Saturday, June 2, 2012

Love does not hide*

Love does not hide*

Cold and wicked, this world's reality
Come join us on the wheel of great conformity
Rotten, as the dog eats the dog and the tail spins
No one in this objective seems to ever win
Who will be the king of the mountain this time
As the ignorant one leaves purity for a life of crime

Yes, this is a big play for musical chairs
The wheel of great suffering, moves on without care
Blinded by egos, wanting and wishing to have it all
It says "think" big, for it is the weak that is small
There is no Love from this in its own house of hate
Treachery and debauchery, as lust does celebrate

Passion to see who hurts one's heart
No stability ever from Love, pain to pull apart
A dream for some but reality with no will
War and greed, Lovers with chatter not to be still
Indeed these are the future's nightmare, the one's that never end
But if you have Love in your heart, the dream is over and the Awakened to begin

So there is a thing that we all have, we just do not see
There is a treasure of Love inside, for it is the Soul* to make us free
Yes, if you continue to see with your own suffering with blinded eyes
You will always be of the world to continue, to make you cry
Come along and see where you are as you never left this space
Within is this Love and it is aligned all over in every place

It flows in nature and makes it continue to grow
Do not believe this? Open your eyes and it will show
No one can ever stop this, it is of its own power to be
This thing is so strong forever in continuity
If you do not know this by Now, it is open like the sky above
We are born into this world even with all its circumstances, for it is Love

Dom*Colucci 2012

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