Friday, October 26, 2012

No dreaming is here*

No dreaming is here*

I have always been here from where I came
Things within myself remain the same
But once I took a journey that was outside and seen
That I was in a fog, chasing a dream
But as one day came, my victim attitude had to go
It was serving me no purpose and that I know
For what I was seeing was a place so far away
But what was within me, was showing me to stay
So Now the time is here and with gratitude I am content
For here it shall always be within, as it was always meant

Dom*Colucci 2012

There is nothing there*

There is nothing there*

To exist in this area of unknown place
Many outline things to fill its space
Holding it all together from dimensional beings
An illusion to the awakened one in its seeing
A concrete reality is built, as many do believe
But what is inside their eyes, it does deceive
For the more one looks when one is aware
Deeper around that one, there is nothing there

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The rest will come*

The rest will come*

Winter is gone, joy did it bring
It has new birth in the air, as it is spring
The journey continues and we start again
For life is here Now and never is it then

The days go by and more life comes green
More vibrant colors to the eye it seems
But then the days past by again, the cold has called
A brighter picture in the trees as Now it is fall

So with this in mind there is only a few weeks to see
Then something lets go and again it is free
For the trees it has passed nature's test
Leaves gently fall on the ground, they have come to rest

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time, that is the way it goes*

Time, that is the way it goes*

Wherever time began, it does not stay
It pushes itself through, right on its way
Opens in one moment, gone is the next
No matter if it flies or takes a hike on its trek
But the more you look at it, as this comes true
Where did it ever go, in what you did or what you do

Dom*Colucci 2012

Don't cry, it's already raining*

Don't cry, it's already raining*

Heavens have shown turbulence to come
It started out with no clouds, now it has some
Darkness cloaks over this parched land
I feel a few drops right where I stand
More and more the droplets enlarge
Better run for cover, here comes the discharge

Dom*Colucci 2012

Deep into nothing at all*

Deep into nothing at all*

To be upon the pond's edge to see
Looking within it, mirrored back at me
Reflection begins to fade away
Something that is nothing starts to stay
Depths show nothing, for it is to be hollow
With this in sight, a depth turns shallow

Dom*Colucci 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let it flow, it's aikido*

Let it flow, it's aikido*

Too much confusion running a muck
Words moving round, tension is stuck
What comes up next, only who the heck knows
But one on its guard, in awareness this shows
Energy is wild right where you stand, do not stay
Time to use mental aikido and get out of its way

Dom*Colucci 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A gift I always had*

A gift I always had*

Eyes I have seen with outside to conform
Suffering of this, not to be forewarned
I know of something that seems so true
A vision is seen within this view
For what ever it is, it looks back at me
And wills me to turn my eyes inside to see

Dom*Colucci 2012

Magic at hand*

Magic at hand*

A plea has come to me
A magic lantern I see
Seems a wish will do
I give it a rub or two
Next from my hand
Poof!!!..your wish is my command

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wish upon a star*

Wish upon a star*

The evening comes and darkness abounds
The heavens above with vastness all around
A sky that beyond has jewels of many
Diamonds that sparkle, treasures of plenty
Many a wish have come upon the twinkling from above
With hopes and dreams to be true for the ones in love

Dom*Colucci 2012

Just my imagination*

Just my imagination*

What is all around me is a carpet of leaves
All is letting go at once, knowing ahead what it sees
A shadow dribbles by, behind me I know
When I turn around, what does it show?
It looked like a butterfly that was in flight
But instead it is a dead maple leaf in sight

Dom*Colucci 2012

Winds of change*

Winds of change*

A broken twig from a tree, a branch on the path
Seems something had some vengeance and its wrath
With all its power and might to do this 
To take something and mangle it with a twist
It rearranged the forest, a more of an adaptable reality
Mother nature knows that the intention was harmony

Dom*Colucci 2012

The past put me here Now*

The past put me here Now*

It was only yesterday that was a memory
But something back then knows what it sees
For what ever it was had place me here it seems
But I can no longer see the past for it was only a dream
So Now this awareness has put me here and what it is meant for
I know of this place where I am Now, for I have been here before

Dom*Colucci 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Taking it within to see without*

Taking it within to see without*

I sit near a window and watch it all go by
I see a world playing catch up with itself and ask why?
Is there any special need to do what people do?
Or is it the kind of reality that they put themselves through?
For the time being I will just sit here and wonder
And bring myself a little deeper as I ponder

Dom*Colucci 2012

Harvest moon*

Harvest moon*

Oh beauty in the sky in darkness delight
Shining ever so wondrous, illuminating the night
Arriving before sunset, farmers happy you show
Some extra daylight, to bring in their crops from your glow
You seem closer to the earth, it is called a moon's illusion
Autumn warmth to the end of the day, what a conclusion

Dom*Colucci 2012

Reach out from within*

Reach out from within*

The whole of being was to start off as a root
To dig deeper in the soil, to one day bear fruit
Becoming so stable right where it begins
And to withstand the snow, rain and wind
Continuously growing more to the top
And always keep reaching outward and never stop

Dom*Colucci 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let us see here*

Let us see here*

What don't you see but instead sees you?
It has known you for a long time to keep you in view
If you look in a mirror you will not find it there
But without one it keeps looking at you, with its piercing stare
Its main function is to watch over you and to guide
To give you the ultimate in wisdom and to enjoy the ride

Forever it has awareness and will see you always ahead
Doing its best to pull you from the outside, to be within instead
It will never make you falter for it loves you so
It keeps your heart function as this I know
It is unconditional love and accepts you all the time
To make your life run efficiently, feeling free and also fine

With this that you now know and a joy life is to be
Never be no doors in front of you, all around you is free
And this being inside you will make sure of this so true
For this being inside made it possible to always love you
Now that you know of this entity as it sees you crystal clear
Its eyes will be of yours, keeps you present and to always be here

Dom*Colucci 2012

Hurry up and wait*

Hurry up and wait*

Where is this place that is of time?
Is it something deep within, a reality of sublime?
A conformity of sorts to play catch up with a clock
To hurry in between seconds that go tick tock
Who is the one here that becomes the master?
To be quicker than it is, as it goes by faster

Dom*Colucci 2012

The forest, "still" here*

The forest, "still" here*

To go to a place where time is spent
The smell of fall and pine tree scent
To take on a hike as I know I could
The spirit of the trees calling in the woods
Encounter upon a trail that is open and free
To walk upon a carpet of oak and maple leaves

A place where really no questions are asked
But to enjoy the scenery, absorbing as I bask
Water sounds in the distance, so it seems
A vein of life in the forest, a smooth running stream
Getting closer to hear this meditative sound
I encounter some clay on the incline, slippery ground

Ahhhh, nice and refreshing this moment has become
I am glad I can step into a piece of this to get me some
A wonderful painted picture that ZEN* gives me
Right in the middle of all this, an escape of reality
I tend to blend in more of this for the rest of the day
I am so happy that I came here and found this way

But there is a moment that I have to leave
Peace became my being today, this I believe
I go from here with the nature deep within
So my Soul* to give me more insight once again
Yes I was a person today that went with the flow
As it brought a calm sense of stillness, this I know

Dom*Colucci 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nothing begins, nothing ends*

Nothing begins, nothing ends*

Do you fill the stillness, as it is all around?
It is a huge container with calming and no sounds
It is a texture that no one can describe at all
Accepting everything that is within it, big and small
This is something that just never begins
This is stillness, with no points on it to ever end

Dom*Colucci 2012

Just see it to be it*

Just see it to be it*

Everything we see, we see it from within
It is a great focal point on where to begin
To portray this with one's intentions to be
And to match it with will so effortlessly
Now to fulfill the two while adding up the sum
One is now establish in what that one now has become

Dom*Colucci 2012

Forever, does it know?*

Forever, does it know?*

I often wonder how long one lives
Is it because of merit that one does give?
If that is the case then I guess one will do fine
Maybe see this in awareness and to relieve of one's mind
Then this must be how eternity comes, we must know
For it stares in our faces and points back at what it shows 
So I ask this question as one can see
If I know of forever does forever know me?

Dom*Colucci 2012

The color falls soon*

The color falls soon*

A little bit of magic in the countryside
Let us all go out and enjoy the ride
To see a brilliant rainbow dotted in the trees
The color that is shows beauty from its leaves
Pictures to be captured of this in a wonderful place
Quilted patchwork made to fill the forest of its space

Dom*Colucci 2012

Day break for the sun*

Day break for the sun*

There is a dismal picture in the gray
No sun to be seen as it is gone today
A cooling sensation has started a trend
Seems inevitable that summer comes to an end
But there is light that shines one cannot see
It hides behind these clouds so brilliant and free

Dom*Colucci 2012