Sunday, July 31, 2011

Refracted reality*

Refracted reality*

I walk along the running stream
I notice a waterfall as though it seems
I come upon a lagoon so near
I look into its water so crystal clear
Reflection I see, the clouds with blue in the skies
A frog has separated from the both before my eyes

Dom*Colucci 2011

The trees speak in silence*

The trees speak in silence*

The day is filled with heat and sweat
One that carries this around will not forget
To frolic off in the woods this afternoon
A trail nearby will be walked upon real soon
I arrive to hear the bark of pine and also another spoke
I look up in majestic view, it is a large tall oak

Dom*Colucci 2011

Consciousness in movement with Soul*

Consciousness in movement with Soul*

The Spirit of energy as outside in a groove
The power within, connected to make it move
Soul with motivated being
Once in motion the path is worth seeing
It is Consciousness that one is allowed 
That Consciousness is always happening, for it is right Now

Dom*Colucci 2011

Here, is where I gone to*

Here, is where I gone to*

Meditating on the rock as still as can be
Instilling in such calm and awaiting to see
As it is of one in the greatest of depths
My Awareness holds on and this it has kept
A little closer in the nothingness to be
I look a little more, that nothingness is me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Move forward with no struggle*

Move forward with no struggle*

A bit of a twist and one can make its turns
Whether it be in the cold winter or sun that burns
It will grab you away if you are not Aware
This will make one wonder in doing so, to dare
But the brave one will move forward and will not drop
When this one achieves their climb to the mountain top

Dom*Colucci 2011

No impedance in clarity*

No impedance in clarity*

One of stillness and to see
Setting with Awareness to be free
The feeling of comfort is deep within
Left without it, would blow like the wind
But as I come out in the Consciousness so fine
I open my eyes and see everything aligned

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

A mountain in the sky*

A mountain in the sky*

I stand here on the basin floor looking up so high
I notice it goes forever in the vast blue skies
But when I see this behemoth, that has a darkened outline
The meeting of heaven and earth, that is so fine
But I look again and see this mountain in silence as it screams out loud
This is no mountain but a big storm gathering with thunder booming clouds

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wise no longer sleeps*

Wise no longer sleeps*

The wise one has gone away
Nothing there to make it stay
But in one glimpse there was something so true
Oblivion with the Soul became of you
Now that all is gone nothing to partake
It is the one from that sleep, Now Awake

Dom*Colucci 2011

Abundant growth in nature*

Abundant growth in nature*

Strawberry plants along the path
In the garden overflowing, with no grapes of wrath
Plenty of flowers and many roses I see
Feel the Love of this nature entering me
It is growth of cornucopia, this is so true
Made with the Love of rain, the sun and skies so blue

Dom*Colucci 2011

I am the Soul, eyes without a face*

I am the Soul, eyes without a face*

The rich texture of nothing is what I feel
It enters me throughout and starts to congeal
I feel light entering my body, as it moves within
I have become the nothingness, no place to begin
But Now that I have became in the enlightened place
I look again within and see I have eyes without a face

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You, you see*

You, you see*

What are you blind with and not see?
Is this making the one within you not be?
It is all in becoming of one when you stop
This puts a dead damper with things on the spot
Now the clarity that you see is so True
The thing that you Now see, this thing is you

Dom*Colucci 2011

Coming here again*

Coming here again*

The air is becoming still
Corrections, it is within my will
I feel the nothingness rest
The sun arises and fades in the west
But I am still here with this within
Back to the same place I came here again

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Illusions to believe in*

Illusions to believe in*

Where do you come from and who are you too?
Coming into this existence and know what to do 
Are you pretending in a falsehood of illusion?
If you are, there is only the inevitable in a final conclusion
As ignorance from self can never be achieved
If you are running outside yourself for what you believe

Dom*Colucci 2011
Silence within and to be without*

Unmanifested world of silence and peace
Nothing is your ingredient as all has ceased
Look, it has nothing but allow to be free
The totality of liberation only one can see
Now its movement and shows what it can do
Feel it amongst this silence and allow it to pass through

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Soul* with eyes*

Soul* with eyes*

Illusive matter that is around my skin
Cannot compare the Truth deep within
For what has made me this physical being
Knows of the path of dimension one is seeing
To finalize and forget what is here
Now one has open eyes within so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011

Shadows become darker with themselves*

Shadows become darker with themselves*

Oh darkened view to be seen no more
One fixated behind a closed door
The Universe awaits in this one's eye
To let the shadows of ignorance Now slip by
Alas the energy is proper and being aligned
No more of the ignorance as it is left behind

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wise one is done before it has begun*

Wise one is done before it has begun*

Who are you, is what you do
But what you do is not through
Ignorant one that does, is one of not
Seen in its own deceit, is one done on the spot
To be of what to do to be done
The wise is done always before it has begun

Dom*Colucci 2011

Leave what is left alone*

Leave what is left alone*

No handled life, I see in this place
For no support but upwards in a vast space
Look not beyond for it is not there
But see this closer as it is well Aware
No use in seeing at all what you cannot see
Those things have there own purpose in letting them be

Dom*Colucci 2011

Beware of tempting illusions*

Beware of tempting illusions*

I must be blinded by colored light
It is a curve, as it is within my sight
The hue makes vibrancy in what I know
But because of the color, clarity does not show
A rainbow may look very pretty and nice
But the vision I see is distorted as ice

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Passage of energy throughout*

Passage of energy throughout*

Do you know of nothingness and see it all the time?
It is that line of incidence between the physical, oh so fine
Subliminal with that one, who is not well Aware
Will always bump into it, as it is here and not there
It is that path that is taken by harmony and rhythm too
If one keeps bumping into it, do not worry it does go through

Dom*Colucci 2011

Go to the next level*

Go to the next level*

Do you often wonder how things do appear?
Are they manifested from afar or oh so near?
It seems that there is a place called a Unified Field in this
Many have come up with equations and something they did miss
For is formed from an unmanifested field as this is what it chose
From the next level of Consciousness, where energy has its flow

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Beautiful jeweled sky is coming*

Beautiful jeweled sky is coming*

Oh fiery glow in opened amber sky
Clouds moving somewhere else to cry
A peaceful sunset, this is the end of the day
Sun rides to another place west but will come back after its stay
So for the time being watching and enjoying this sight
Once again a beautiful jeweled sky, is coming in the night

Dom*Colucci 2011

Evening is slowly here, melting*

Evening is slowly here, melting*

I hear the chirp of little birds
It came from silence and not a word
This evening came as such a delight
The moon still a distance off with its light
I will sit hear with Soul and nothing felt
I will blend in with Consciousness as I melt

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Now continues here*

Now continues here*

I was the one from Consciousness, Soul was Aware
It knew of taking my being within here and not there
As every moment I grew from this seed
I was realizing something about me and the weed
It was of insecurity and to be attached
It was finally realize here I stay and that is when it was unlatched

Saturday, July 9, 2011

You only see within yourself*

You only see within yourself*

How one sees like a summit as there is clarity at the top
See this inside yourself, come to calm and make it stop
For advancing no further, feeling this in the move
You have fallen within the alignment of a subtle groove
Now that all eternity sits in front of you, here Now in your hand
Your reality is no more, instead it is within where you stand

Dom*Colucci 2011

It is in a spin within*

It is in a spin within*

A part of this moment is right here to see
It is of its own nature as it was meant to be
Subtle hints of a whirlwind at most
Look again at this micro cyclone, it is a hidden ghost
With a reality of its own, it spins in a spire
It is only lasted a certain time, this was its desire

Dom*Colucci 2011

The moment is the wind*

The moment is the wind*

I have arisen in the woods to see
I have noticed all around settled to be
The silence of what is moving through the trees
The wind of dance with harmony and peace
To move on each moment forward again
To blow away in such silence, like the wind

Dom*Colucci 2011

Integral silence*

Integral silence*

The feel of silence is all around
It is the emptiness without a sound
The inner dialog has Now cease
This brings about the calmness and inner peace
Look Now within with opened eyes
The inner being is Now satisfied

Dom*Colucci 2011

Reality is no longer seen*

Reality is no longer seen*

Oh oneness of the journey, it is such a ride
To finally break free and arrive at the other side
This is of a place that one has not seen
Always been in front of one, flowing with Conscious stream
Never going back to reality as it use to be
The reality becomes of no longer, the Awakened One Now sees 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The moment that you are*

Flow of Consciousness definitely knows
How clarity within as this does grow
Keep moving straight ahead in a vast place to be
Opening eyes internally and making one see
Be to that always, as it will take you very far
For you are the moment and the moment is what you are

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Let the people eat wisdom, instead of bread*

Let the people eat wisdom, instead of bread*

What do I see with the eyes in my head?
The reality of illusion and not Truth instead
Blinded by other people's way of living
Seeing no Soul around, not teaching wisdom giving
Instead making things work with logical brain
Starving those mouths with reason, enough to make one insane

Dom*Colucci 2011

Gone forever subconscious mind*

Gone forever subconscious mind*

Gone, as there is no one no longer that is here
The Awakening has many vanished, crystal clear
The wisdom has been made at a level high
For those with "thoughts" as they did "try"
But Now it is here, as it is to begin
No one around no more subconsciously, gone with wind

Dom*Colucci 2011

Listen to someone else?*

Listen to someone else?*

Seeking for something but do not know why
It cannot be without beyond my own eyes
Running aimlessly following someone else's way
Not being the glue within as my Soul is saying stay
I will see the end to this nonsense of someone else's life
For it is I that will quit this stupid objective strife

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Done before it starts ever*

Done before it starts ever*

The one that will always be
For it is the one that looks within to see
Nothing one needs no more than where one came
For it is the reality of reset always the same
The moment has entered and Now it is gone
As you see with this Awareness, this reality is already done

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Freedom from all*

Freedom from all*

Mine is not known as to walk this land
Momentary freedom on which I stand
For in this movement comes each step
The earth I walk on wishes what it kept
To break away and be free would surely be great
Setting on central energy in balance to levitate

Dom*Colucci 2011

Here only in its moment beginning*

Here only in its moment beginning*

How do I awaken from a no longer life?
Leaving behind every objective of chosen strife
The release of one self to become of light
Knowing within one's Soul with such great insight
I follow this journey that leads me on to begin
No longer reincarnated from Consciousness, ever again

Dom*Colucci 2011

Grass is not greener but has color*

Grass is not greener but has color*

Blowing around, into the grass
A seed has burrowed, growing from the past
Deep within it has started to perform
Ground and light to make it warm
It stems upward the dandelion seed
A beautiful flower, some call a weed

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Awakened one know one knows*

Awakened one know one knows*

An object that always was without
Everywhere it went, it stood out
Until one day it tucked itself away
Awaited for the arrival of the Soul one day
For it may seem to be right in front of you here
But look again you have vanished and disappeared

Dom*Colucci 2011

Something inside awaits*

Something inside awaits*

Where do I enter into this place?
A vast void of nothing with infinite space
No tug or tussle to get caught up into
Just moving forward like you are suppose to
Ah, I have seen where this leads me Now
Right within myself the place that always sees and allows

Dom*Colucci 2011

One of a kind*

One of a kind*

Is this me from day one?
For it is the Soul, whom made this begun
But all the while I felt so alone
Until oneness was realized to be my subjective home
Now stands perfectly to be right here
My eyes open inward so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011