Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am the Soul, eyes without a face*

I am the Soul, eyes without a face*

The rich texture of nothing is what I feel
It enters me throughout and starts to congeal
I feel light entering my body, as it moves within
I have become the nothingness, no place to begin
But Now that I have became in the enlightened place
I look again within and see I have eyes without a face

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Dear Dom: This state of nothingness (if it is a state) where one becomes enlightened by the light awakening the deeper self asleep. "I have eyes without a face"...part of our innermost being remains; our eyes. I wonder why? Some see with eyes some see with ears, but we all get to see when we first open to nothingness to take in the Divine light which only enters when the ocean's (mind) is/are calm. When the bad habit of chitchatter is turned "off". Then time for the light from the ephemeral world (inner outer; combined duality) to enter/drawn near.

  2. well it is said that ZEN* is that state of nothingness and this is where all the Awareness that engulfs you as well to see from within without such it always will be ZEN* anyways...enjoy and thanks for your always profound comments..I Love them(+)
