Monday, February 28, 2011

Stream of Consciousness flows*

Stream of Consciousness flows*

Moving all about and willing to be
Intentions good and strong with one to see
Now non effort in a non resistant place
Open is always in this whole of space
The stream of Consciousness is moving so free
In this allowance it accepts the being, that is me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Shiva goes, as ego goes also*

Shiva goes, as ego goes also*

All of ego tries to possess everything where it stands
Beckoning the Dance of Shiva, shows the Truth where it lands
Bust loose as the eye of the hurricane spins
Ego says I have lost, Now nothing wins
The path that ego created from anger and greed
It is in its will that the Truth is in its need 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What is it worth to you ever?*

What is it worth to you ever?*

How much does it cost you to make it to the end?
Did it give you any substance from where you began?
Do you divvy up what is owed to you?
Does it pay you back in all you do?
If not then what are you searching for without?
Leave all that stuff there then, without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2011

One within one only*

One within one only*

Oh yes in sight, who is this?
A being of its own, that one does not resist
The one which never looked anywhere before
As the other had looked through illusive doors
No one can be found outside the realm of within
This is its own Awareness, time and time again

Dom*Colucci 2011

The reality which is always here*

The reality which is always here*

Take a look at it closer and I am not there
It is in the stream of Consciousness so well Aware
It does not stop for it goes where it moves
It is seen invisibly and transition so smooth
So with this path I take well along with me
It is all what is in front that reality I do see

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I AM that I AM not*

I AM that I AM not*

Tomorrow's eyes do not see
If one just allows and let's it be
To not have itch and feel with touch
Things will work out as such
In a current scenario one is breaking free
To look at myself and say this is not me

Dom*Colucci 2011

No more to be of no less*

No more to be of no less*

In a dissolving of a reality not real
The identity goes back and shadow does steal
None to look outside of one's being
Mirror does not show itself in this seeing
Now when this Awakening has happened too
One's being is in the balance blend and aim is so True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Awareness in its knowing you*

Awareness in its knowing you*

Oh strange vibration, please let nothing prevail
Lift this ugly ignorance and be free from this jail
I have hit a nerve so deep that I am seeing this within
Awareness has been struck and time to reset once again
But it is the Universe that makes this path correct
I just have to open my eyes and be more direct

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Done, one is none Now*

Done, one is none Now*

This can never be one without one
For this statement to be True it is of none
The cancellation of the both as not to be seen
With a fresh look at void if you know what I mean
Look once again for there is no more
Was that one really needed, is that what it's for?

Dom*Colucci 2011

To be here and see within*

To be here and see within*

No holding on this is the way to go
Slipping the grip the only way I know
Once this is done in openness out there
The being becomes integral and is Now well Aware
Now the Universal wisdom recognizes this always
One no longer is needed outside for it is the one that within stays

Dom*Colucci 2011

Treasure of wisdom within*

Treasure of wisdom within*

Wonderful treasure chest found within
There is nothing lost and nothing wins
Seeing this as it is so deep
I have to release it and I cannot keep
This insight has opened me with Soul in touch
Getting more info and Loving it so much

Dom*Colucci 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vacuuming the void*

Vacuuming the void*

Non existence no longer single
Oneness gone to none to mingle
Oblivion to show the path of clear
Nothingness to bother with, nothing is here
Closer within to take the plunge
Absorbing a void like a huge old sponge

Dom*Colucci 2011

Gone without effort*

Gone without effort*

No static in tune
Relativity is soon
Its focus in connection
Seizing the right direction
Now gone is the door
Here longer no more

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Balance without a sound*

Balance without a sound*

I sit by the mall water fountain
A short reprieve from the mountains
I observe all that is, life goes by as it seems
Looking at the Consciousness in the stream 
People moving about going up and down
I am the center of it all the Tao without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011

Now allowed from within*

Now allowed from within*

Where is the one that is here?
The one that is close, oh yes so near
I open these eyes as it is reality Now
No longer being blinded it as it makes one allow
Nothing around me but the being that is within
Now this being is of energy starting all over again

Dom*Colucci 2011

A walk within*

A walk within*

I walk in the bright days light
A blend of the snow that is so white
Taking a path that returns back here
Each step I take for I am so near
The more I am within myself as I see
The more I am that person looking back at me

Dom*Colucci 2011 

One without to be within*

One without to be within*

What do I see when I sit here alone?
In this silence my awareness is at home
I keep the focus with my being
Deeper in the center is what I am seeing
Now to awaken with eyes open wide
I am in oneness with Soul* as to be satisfied

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ascension in stepping along*

Ascension in stepping along* 

Ascent that is coming, I do see it inside
I walk the path in wisdom and take it with each stride
Climbing every so much each step as it gets high
Leaving the last step on the ground and kissing the sky
I see the ultimate out of all this, I do move along
My being is right where it suppose to be, right where I belong

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wind speaks volumes*

Wind speaks volumes*

Breath of morning open with blustery blue skies
Wind flying all around, leaves go scattering by
The orchestra of sound whistles through the trees
Most of the trees are dormant by rooted where they be
Waving and blowing is what it does in light sound
Pushing and shoving as well and it knocks all things around 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The pinnacle beyond sight*

The pinnacle beyond sight*

The mountain is high to get on the trail
But the guidance along the way is of the red tail
Soaring above in the clouds and shows the way
Motions are always forward never meaning to stay
With such happiness as I round the bend
I can finally see forever as this never ends

Dom*Colucci 2011

Motionless motion*

Motionless motion*

The motion seeks an emanating field
For the flow of water in palm it never yields
The fluidity of this, is the empty cup
Feels like it is measured but never filling up
The motion is in a constant state of a groove
For its nature is effortless in all its move

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Innocent in being born once more*

Innocent in being born once more*

Oh great droplets from the skies
Awaken me in baptismal eyes
Gushing and flowing from your waterfalls
Coming down so high and tall
Wash me in purity within my heart
Make me innocent right from this start

Dom*Colucci 2011

Labyrinth to the end*

Labyrinth to the end*

Oh terrible web that has been spun
Stuck all around to that one
Spinning out of control one that is lost
Rolling around in the tumbler tossed
But keep moving forward as this is the task
This will cut the cord and then the sunlight you will bask

Dom*Colucci 2011

What lies ahead is you Now*

What lies ahead is you Now*

For amidst all the chatter
It has no bearing on nothing that matters
Where one is always to be
Always reverts back to the one that sees
So go forward in this direction
The Universe at large is your connection

Dom*Colucci 2011

No obstacle is in sight*

No obstacle is in sight*

Looking out with eyes of hurt
What life is this with no worth
Keep looking at the obstacle of the wall
Not knowing that is not ten feet tall
No, look again and see right through
Now life is not an obstacle to do

Dom*Colucci 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Silence in a deadly shadow (忍術)*

Silence in a deadly shadow (忍術)*

Silent but deadly with nothing to hoard
It is a secret warfare, the edge of the sword
But it is to work in such silence always
One comes in and disappears but never stays
It is like a divine wind blowing all around
The ninjitsu warrior, fierce without a sound 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Ki force of one centered*

Ki force of one centered*

OK, once upon a time misery was a friend
Until one day it turned around and came to an end
The shift had occurred searching deep within
To know what was what and where to begin
After so many mountains as I did climb
Direction of ki moves feet to head and that suits me fine

Dom*Colucci 2011

Do you do wushu from above?*

Do you do wushu from above?*

One foot out and the other one apart
Keep the center intact right from the start
Pull in the ki and release it once again
Stand on your feet correct posture like a Shaolin
Now take a bo stick and spin it around
You are a weapon from above without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dare to be Aware*

Dare to be Aware*

What happened and where did you go?
Was it something you learned and did not know?
Did it cause you to have no connections?
It sent you beyond in all directions
Now that this is known and to be Aware
Next step is to leave the ignorance behind, if you dare

Dom*Colucci 2011

The only "I" seen is the eyes*

The only "I" seen is the eyes*

For what I see Now is much clearer
There is nothing to maintain in the mirror
No, it is always the way it is suppose to be
I took the I out of who me is me
There will never be another identity ever again
As this being has left and knows where to begin

Dom*Colucci 2011

Searching for naught*

Searching for naught*

What the hell are you looking for?
Someone to show you the door?
You are not going to find it with no one ever
If so, this will make you find nothing never
You have to map out your own destination of course
If not you will be a man riding a horse looking for a horse

Dom*Colucci 2011

Hey you!!!!...Take a hike*

Hey you!!!!...Take a hike*

The road was a cinch to get at my destination
Water, carbos and MP3 with no complication
Crank up the volume and take off in the car
Travel over hills and curves, really not that far
OK, I finally made it before dark
Enough to get a 3 mile hike in this state park

Dom*Colucci 2011

All made up and no place to go*

All made up and no place to go*

For there never was any tomorrow
It is like the past, it always leaves sorrow
No to me this is non existence where I be 
To be of complete nothingness so happily
The energy I get does wonders in what I receive
For there is really no more to play make believe

Dom*Colucci 2011

For what is left to be right once again*

For what is left to be right once again*

For who am I in a non dilemma world
The wheel no longer exists of reality in the twirl
My being is solvent as it stands mighty and True
Opening of the Consciousness and going right through
Leaving all alone what has willed to be
Enjoying all of the ride and Now set free

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Be the light, see the light to be*

Be the light, see the light to be*

The brilliance is beaming of the giant sun
Sending out radiance, light by the tons
But to witness what I see this from within
It goes back in my head and shoots it to the sun again
Making this ever lit orb more reflective and unstable
Keeping it center where it always is, willing and able 

Dom*Colucci 2011

Ground level is always with me here*

Ground level is always with me here*

The floor of the mountain strong and firm
One look to the top subjectively, no one discerns
A trek through a forest of trees delight
One foot after the other with walking stick plight
To come to the sense that this is close and clear
Ah yes, it is the summit that I see that is oh so near

Dom*Colucci 2011

The canvas has its depths too*

The canvas has its depths too*

Fresh snow blowing, disorganized with dismay
All through the night and a great deal during the day
It starts its abundance and it has many piles
Look out the window in the countryside for miles
The coverings like many blankets with no path
This white Angel so pure but shows its wrath

Dom*Colucci 2011

Time and time again?*

Time and time again?*

I stare at the clock as it is on the shelf
But notice something peculiar about itself
It goes round and round and never ends
Always looking for something to start over again
But it cannot do so for it would die with no power
Then how can anyone see what will bring into the next hour

Dom*Colucci 2011

Happy I am here to smile*

Happy I am here to smile*

Awakened by this morning without a sound
The sunshine in the sky that is, comes back around
We get this great feeling deep within
To get up and move on as we do it again
Make time within this moment all worth while
Give each moment that great feeling one healthy smile

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shadows do not know, never*

Shadows do not know, never*

I arrive in this with nothing to know
It is my Awareness that is loved by a shadow
But for me as I am much more within
The shadow will never know where I begin
For it tries its best to take away from me
But it will never accomplish getting my own energy

Dom*Colucci 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Listen to yourself *

Listen to yourself *

Did I make a mark in your life to be?
Hoping one day you would listen to me
Is it not late for you yet?
Understanding what I say that you do not forget
One that seeks the wisdom always from within
So you can see how once more, you will begin

Dom*Colucci 2011

Brilliant deduction is "here"*

Brilliant deduction is "here"*

If I ever needed anything in this life it is here
I stand in the center, happiness with cheer
I see all the realities in front of me as I have produced
I am no Einstein in figuring this out to deduce
For I have done all of my life prior and seek no more
I really know the reason what I am "here" for

Dom*Colucci 2011

Liberation is celebration*

Liberation is celebration*

For it is light that hath move through me
The Soul is attracted to this as it sees
Never a darkened shadow no more
For it is in its openness that knows no door
Now coming in its state to be finally liberated
Joyous being to be as it is celebrated

Dom*Colucci 2011 

The "I" is not seen*

The "I" is not seen*

Oh glorious mirror, gone you see
I have nothing to look at not even me
Shattered with image as this is gone
Soul made sure of this to be done
So the transparency is Now achieved to see
The anchor let loose as the "I" is Now free

Dom*Colucci 2011

Did I hear that?*

Did I hear that?*

Along the path I came up to a rock
I stopped and looked as I took stock
I bend down over it to hear it say
It whispered gently in its own way
Told me to be silent and move about
In your life ahead for there is no doubt

Dom*Colucci 2011

No longer here, relieved*

No longer here, relieved*

I have walked this life through
Accomplishing in everything I do
The experience was here as Now it has past
For in life as known, many things do not last
For Now the Soul is alive without a task
The physical part leaves as Now it is unmasked

Dom*Colucci 2011

Shattered past open dreams*

Shattered past open dreams*

Oh shattered dreams and broken past
Wretched life that did not last
Hurtful feelings from the start
No Love was here in this morbid heart
But sunshine did came and arose one day
For that dismal heart is no longer color gray

Dom*Colucci 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love is still there, after*

Love is still there, after*

A husband and his wife were married for years
They had a rough life with so many tears
So the husband did not notice his wife no more
The wife was willing to go out the door
Many months later that wife did see
It was not her that hurt, it was him in an Awakening to be

Dom*Colucci 2011 

Al Khidr and Moses*

Al Khidr and Moses*

He takes Moses by the hand
They both go about and walk the land
Al Khidr tells him not to question Now
As he is showing Moses this reality and how
Moses refuses and ask many more
Al Khidr stops and shows Moses the door

Dom*Colucci 2011

Nothing to do with you*

Nothing to do with you*

Did you slip from the anger, knowing what to do?
What does one hand clapping seem for you?
The goal is to go be beyond this koan
See further silence as you enter home 
Now let go and see the sparks die out
You are left by your entity, Now without a doubt

Dom*Colucci 2011

Creativity of the reality*

Creativity of the reality*

You are created and conceived at the point within
The cells reproduce and return back again
The being is the masterpiece in one's eye
For its creation still moves forward and never asks why
So you have been developed this person you see
That person with another look, that person is me

Dom*Colucci 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No looking back as the front sees*

No looking back as the front sees*

When you walked out of the reality
On the way out did you happen to see
That there was no one ever here
The illusion was you crystal clear
Now there is a no longer of you
Only existence within is so True

Dom*Colucci 2011

Who me is me who*

Who me is me who*

See yourself on the other side of the mirror?
Does the one that looks back get any clearer?
Oh you are one but not of this being
It is the illusion of what you are seeing
One side of this is part of the logical brain
The other side is opened for that keeps you sane

Dom*Colucci 2011

Life is over here again*

Life is over here again*

I have nothing to offer and nothing to give
It is only me in my life that I live
I move about subjectively within
I come back to center reset once again
Nothing is ever lost or gained
It is the inherent wisdom that made me trained

Dom*Colucci 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Savor that moment to be*

Savor that moment to be*

What is that, that I savor?
Could it be in taste, what is the flavor?
No, I believe it is the moment, hence forward on
For what is here to enjoy, in which it is fond
Soul has properly aligned my being to be here
I see with a moment savoring this to be crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011

No texture at all*

No texture at all*

Rich texture of non resistance at large
To enter this reality softly not to barge
A gentleness that one touches as one to see
One remains in its motion constantly
Effortless effort is always the goal
When one moves about in the giant hole

Dom*Colucci 2011