Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Savor that moment to be*

Savor that moment to be*

What is that, that I savor?
Could it be in taste, what is the flavor?
No, I believe it is the moment, hence forward on
For what is here to enjoy, in which it is fond
Soul has properly aligned my being to be here
I see with a moment savoring this to be crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. The flavor is love
    and it tastes so well
    that our hearts do swell
    In love one can tell

    Never letting this go out of our sight
    each moment then is filled with delight

    True love is the bliss
    and so it Is

  2. That tastes so good...I Love bliss with Love..yum yum my Love..yum yum...you are good flavour yourself....enjoy as I always do with you(+)

  3. Dear Dom: Savoured this flavourful Soul before some day. The moment we come together to appreciate in a reflective way. As that maybe all we can do now, knowing that we are living souls living in a split inifinity, a duality which quests to be made whole, to be part of the fold that encompasses the unity of Love so complete that the possibility of living 100 percent spirit-filled lives is wholly realized. Maybe only then is now.

  4. It seems you must know Eckhardt Tolle....as this moment is of oneness and seen this way all duality no longer exists but enjoyment of bliss for this is the path to partake and enjoy always..as all is the present moment reseting into another with this enjoyment...until the training wheels come off and the illusion is never seen again...only then Now is much appreciated with...enjoy Love(+)
