Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shattered past open dreams*

Shattered past open dreams*

Oh shattered dreams and broken past
Wretched life that did not last
Hurtful feelings from the start
No Love was here in this morbid heart
But sunshine did came and arose one day
For that dismal heart is no longer color gray

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. The sun now shines
    in your heart
    as well as in your eyes

    Invoking the inner one
    of imagination
    giving you the endless inspiration
    of seeing
    revelation after


  2. Yes after 19 years of misery I finally gave up on 14February2007 and in 8April2007 figured out the one hand clapping koan and in October of 2007 watched the leaves and the spill gate empty and detached as I did the same thing in letting go...enjoy as well(+)
