Saturday, February 5, 2011

Did I hear that?*

Did I hear that?*

Along the path I came up to a rock
I stopped and looked as I took stock
I bend down over it to hear it say
It whispered gently in its own way
Told me to be silent and move about
In your life ahead for there is no doubt

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Oh beautiful feeling
    of inner security
    the day I experienced You
    is grounded in my heart

    It has become a natural part
    of all that I am
    and will become
    that will not leave me ever
    And never again
    will I be lonesome


  2. No, you will never leave me as we are all Souls under the mask as when this is gone we are not..we will always be joined in oneness in our energy as we are together as well Now...thanks Love(+)
