Friday, February 11, 2011

For what is left to be right once again*

For what is left to be right once again*

For who am I in a non dilemma world
The wheel no longer exists of reality in the twirl
My being is solvent as it stands mighty and True
Opening of the Consciousness and going right through
Leaving all alone what has willed to be
Enjoying all of the ride and Now set free

Dom*Colucci 2011



  2. Dear Dom: "Being Set Free" is a state of nirvana where you have transcended the phyical barriers to become cosmic. You amaze me! Lol! :)

  3. thanks my Love....I have been for the past 4 years on this state of bliss as it only continues more to show me this Awakening into Consciousness and its alignment as well....the mountain climbs I did only make it better in Awarenesses...I Love Life and what it is offering me subjectively...enjoy Love always enjoy(+)
