Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Soul*...energy with eyes*

Soul*...energy with eyes*

Illusive matter that is around my skin
Cannot compare the Truth deep within
For what has made me this physical being
Knows of the path of dimension one is seeing
To finalize and forget what is here
Now one has open eyes within so crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. all around me seen with open eye is an illusion
    tempting me to run and touch the horizon....
    while all one needs to do is close the eye and connect within...
    The horizon is dissolved to crystalise me

  2. Hey I finally made it back to comment..I am sorry my Dearest One as I have been busy lately as my third book is just about ready for copyright...as it is a blend like the center of the teacup that made that one become....enjoy always enjoy and thanks for the comment(+)
