Monday, June 11, 2012

Dream forever, Awaken once*

Dream forever, Awaken once*

Chosen from long ago, a being to be conceived
One that had the Truth within, this is what to believe
So it was settled and conception was also agreed
To make this being from substance, manifested energy was freed
A perfect sculptured masterpiece, a fine work of art
It knew how to make this a life, right from the start

It gave itself breath and the heart with its beats
Symmetry was like poetry, rhythm as it meets
So unison was in the making as this was in its form
Now it was on its journey for the day to be born
A whole new arrival was awaiting at the end
From that day of darkness, it seen light as it began

So out into the world finally, this being came to see
In its hopes and dreams of living, to become ever so happily
But on its way through life and its many miles
It got stuck in conformity and faced many trails
It was pushed around battered as a victim so true
Hitting every stone wall possible, with none to go through

But in this it learned something as it stopped one day
It seen something a little better, effortless effort was its way
It took stock in self realization and looked deep within
Origin it seemed to see life in reset, again and again
This hit something in what wisdom does make
This one is no longer sleeping, this one is definitely Awake

Dom*Colucci 2012

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