Alive alignment*
The darkness has cloaked over this land
Light has Now left where it use to stand
It is the evening that has mystery within
Pitch blacken skies are about to begin
Harmonious music comes from the trees and ground
It is of the lesser world that is nocturnal to create these sounds
Through this darkness where it is in the trees and thicket
Silence has stopped but stillness hears a cricket
A blend is broadcasting over a dewy grass
Sounds keep a steady pace from each moment that passed
There is an orchestra playing its own music it seems
This is all a Consciousness that is Awakened into the stream
Vibrations that come out of this darkness, the void is filled
There is a sense of substance manifesting from its will
Yes more intrigue, magic is running high
Now we take to a new direction and that is to look in the sky
Each moment slips by, this seems like light will be here soon
Yes a slot through the clouds becomes with illuminating moon
So Now that light has shown in the middle of the night
All nocturnal species with sounds have brought on the light
It seems that there was a purpose for this to happen here
Silence broken through harmoniously, crystal clear
Coming to correcting itself, to work out so fine
Music to the ground and the light of the moon to be aligned
Dom*Colucci 2012
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