Sunday, July 10, 2011

Now continues here*

Now continues here*

I was the one from Consciousness, Soul was Aware
It knew of taking my being within here and not there
As every moment I grew from this seed
I was realizing something about me and the weed
It was of insecurity and to be attached
It was finally realize here I stay and that is when it was unlatched


  1. I like this poem, as it look where I am in the direction of my life as I am seeing so much and more awakening as well. thanks Dom ;) xo <3

  2. Dear Dom: "within here" being Soul. If the "seed" of soulful awareness or realization became a "weed" because of "of insecurity and to be attached
    " then this is not awareness but an inclination towards an awareness. Until that blighted "weed" is pruned out of the soul to "unlatch" that garden gate leading to those moments of exquisite unearthing of the spiritual delights commonly referred to as a most splendid awareness of being cosmic consciousness. "Unlatched" we are then free to be; please!

  3. I AM

    I am the director
    Truly am the actor
    Even am the victim
    The winner in my own play

    True when I have the courage
    To live with myself
    In any moment
    Of the day

    Sanctify the day

  4. WOW a plethora of comments as I have been away a couple of days I am impressed....
    @WLF...remember this is always life's direction and you are going that way as well anyways...this is the Soul in its guidance as well to get in th groove we call a path...enjoy

    @my Dearest chiccoreal....yes when we unroot this weed called ignorance in insecurity as well we have a straight shot with our chokras lined up to advance we know what Now truly means...enjoy as well

    @my Dearest Mieke....this sums it up about being in the present moment in leaving insecurity far behind....I Love how you "staged" this process as usual great poem and thanks....enjoy as well

    and l;adies..MWWWWWWWUAHHHHHH to ya all...Love ya's...;)xoxoxo---{--@
