Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wisdom is wholesomeness*

Wisdom is wholesomeness* 

We were always taught to succeed you have to win
To work harder and harder all over again
To have anything you wish ever to own
With the shoulder to the wheel, nose to the grindstone

But that is duality as one can see
One with cause to condition and not to be free
So what would you do to be free from this?
While you are the servant with money not to resist

Could you be happy without chasing the wheel?
As it robs you of life and your heart it does steal
I say you can, by stopping in what you chase
And leave the rats to run the old rat race

But if you are to do this, as it is a must
To believe what is inside you and have the trust
For what is inside you has seen what was here before
When you become integral with this, there are many open doors

You will find that happiness becomes a state of being
And all is aligned in one within as this one is seeing
For this one leaves all dismay outside where you stand
It is its heart it gives to you and also helping hand

Remember where this came from as it is your root
It is the one who sits in your heart with your own truth
For in its integration to you is to be one in whole
It is the one that knows wisdom about here, it is your Soul*

Dom*Colucci 2013

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