Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Be this as to become is*

Be this as to become is*

I have sought to be of not of there
My being has come well Aware
It has broken down increments within
Getting to the CORE where it begins
There is only of the One that is so True
It was the being that became , the being that I knew

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. I Am
    with One with You

    Our hearts entwined so true
    We both had this vision
    from the very start
    we always travel together
    in the core of the heart


  2. beautifully done as my heart phone is off the hook here receiving your Love from it my Dearest Mieke.....enjoy always...did Berlin Mountain last week...200 feet from summit I got baptized with a deluge..pics not so great but still was able to salvage going up 2818 feet...doing Hadley either tomorrow or Monday once again(+)

  3. The 'struggle' with the elements. Guess when it rains there it comes "met bakken uit de hemel" they say in Dutch. It means more or less the same as a deluge.

    You picture a scene here where you must have had a good guardian angel.

    Take care and do enjoy your climb on Hadley.

    Lots of energy from me :)

