Sunday, January 23, 2011

Silence is holden*

Silence is holden* 

Don't your hear that? It is broken
It came from silence, Now it's been spoken
A pleasant calm all the long that was still
To a peaceful sense in Consciousness, Now a shrill
The flow of steady vibrations is not here no more
Silence in this void yeah, what was it good for?

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. Silence is just as much a word
    belonging to duality
    and as long as it is heard
    always has the quality
    of sound
    to hear the inspiration
    of one's own imagination


  2. you know my Dearest Mieke..I just opened this page and seen the boom! and the globe come from oblivion at the same time but not a sound was heard as well..LOLOL..enjoy Love(+)

  3. Yes I did...POOF!!!!...;)xoxoxo---{--@
