Monday, January 31, 2011

I am here NOW*

I am here NOW*

I am here in this void
Not ever to be annoyed
But this thing I entered
Has made me drift center
It Now has me in its corrections
I am so here with all its connections

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. What can I say
    Felt it the same way

    The labyrinth of life
    turning left
    turning right

    always bringing one back
    to one's center
    that's right

  2. exactly and this is why we can never leave this no matter how much we try to extend ourselves in an illusive objective...enjoy Love(+)

  3. Dear Dom: Learning the language of zen spirit. The "illusive objective" is "illusive" because we can never be more than "subjective" because of the "break" with the (if it ever existed) objective point of view. That state of consciousness which is collective and unified is hidden in the subconscious, but this may be or is the authentic being. We may only think we are individual beings when in fact we are really more connected than we think because we tend to continue to separate more and more as the split nears the starting point again.

  4. WOW my Love...I am looking at your comment and I am shocked at how much ZEN you know as you read these poems well...Lovely to see it come back and smack me in the face in your truth that I see this with..the connection we make with this is the Soul, the Soul is energy and the Universe is energy as the experience is for the Soul to create or manifest its being physical as all energy is blended with each other yes I would definitely have to say we all are connected in this giant energy Love(+)
