Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wisdom starts from the bottom*

Wisdom starts from the bottom*

Why does one wish to be the king of the top?
This is where I beg to differ and I say "STOP!"
So my wisdom on this comes within my fountain
If you are of water, 
Flow downward like a stream from a mountain
Your function is to keep moving and not sit on a throne
Experience is Universal and not to be alone

Dom*Colucci 2013


  1. The picture is credited from yahoo images.

  2. Why does one wish to be the king of the top
    Maybe it is building oneself up
    from the bottom to that very top
    With all the ups and downs on the way
    And because we age
    We finally reach that stage
    to stay :)
    and linger for a while
    only to find out with a smile
    that all we are will stay
    So we might as well let it down
    flowing backwards in the same way....
    The Pyramid of Maslow!!

  3. Whatever is on top got there from the base
    It kept walking onward, freedom in open space
    When it made it there it simply did see
    From this it knew now from the base it was free
    But it has this freedom within itself now without care
    It has to got back to base for it is here and no longer there~

  4. And the base is the core consciousness?

    I did a little meditative exercise and this is what poetically emerged:

    Core consciousness
    Is unconditional richness
    Of seeing
    In being
    It arises
    With a creative impulse
    A synchronous
    Lying on an imaginary shelf
    For me to pick up
    To suit myself
    When I don't feel well
    I start to contact a cell
    And send it my complete attention
    With a silent mention
    Of a healing intention
    When I sit still
    Rhymes appear at will
    Just like the above
    Which were created in a moment of love
    In undivided togetherness
    Of a bodymind in bliss
    In order to really comprehend this
    One has to be in complete Oneness
    In this nothingness
    Everything arises
