Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The leaves leaping*

The leaves leaping*

A trail of leaves scattered in the road
Trees becomes empty, lightened its load
For Now, it is all a work of art on the ground
Rustling on by in the wind, making a sound
They seem to be in such a mood for play
Leaping over each other, continuing on their way

Dom*Colucci 2011


  1. I felt that today in my area while driving my racing car on the road and leaves where just flying high in the air all over the place looks so cool as I zoom down the road....felt like a little kid at play today smiling, love your writing xo<3

  2. always feel that get your innocence and the Spirit of living back as it really never left you but somehow as we all do took a turn outside ourselves in doing so..enjoy my Dearest WLF(+)
