Saturday, March 15, 2014


Twilight evades
Edge into darkness
Danger with one strike*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Clouds without revenge
Silence walks through
The sun has let go*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

It knows the flow*

It knows the flow*

A stream moves down a mountain side
It takes it over rocks and bends in stride
Flow with it like it does so well
Your life will be so much better, I can tell
Stay right where you are, it is great to be you
Loneliness is tough, but your Soul* knows you what to do

Dom*Colucci © 2012

The sounds of the Buddha frog*

The sounds of the Buddha frog*

A night with a croaker croaking
It sounds very boisterous and also outspoken
Calling for his dominance with flies in his eyes
He sits with great intent as his belly lies
He hears his friends and they remark too
A little fly flew by and in his mouth he chews
Now he sits content on his water lily in the fog
He just repeated his lunch with the sounds of the Buddha frog

Dom* Colucci © 2009*


Frozen puddle
Kiss from the sun
Walking away wet*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Frigid chill bites
Robins singing gleefully
Happy is thou*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Silence comes
Once is all
The sun sets*

Dom*Colucci © 2014 


Stabbed by indecency
Romance is bleeding
Heart pounds stronger*

Dom*Colucci © 2014


Through the trees
Clouds disperse
A light wind appears*

Dom*Colucci © 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

"You" see*

"You" see*

For eyes that see and look ahead
For eyes to see within instead
Turn them around and see what is now
A future that is gone and the present it allows

You are a centerpoint, that is for sure
From this becomes wisdom that is so pure
For what consciousness has where you to be
Is the break away from the illusion to set you free

Trust is the element that one has within
This makes the present solid always to begin
For what now has been seen has been right in view
When turning your eyes inward, it is now you that sees you

Dom*Colucci 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Here is you within*

Here is you within*

Deep within the world that to which you will find
Some go away from this only to be blind
For what it is, is to receive deep insight
Following this path in guidance, for this is your light
With this in your truth that darkness shall not grasp
The light that is within you is here, as all around you to pass

Dom*Colucci 2014

Shown to known that this is the way*

Shown to known that this is the way*

Each moment that passes, is one ahead
There is no progression, it is only the present instead
But this path knows of you as it places you here
You have nothing to worry about or even fear
Move about on these intuitive stepping stones
Deep self realization, you will know that you are not alone
For what that sees, opens your eyes to be shown
It seen you here before and shows you what it knows

Dom*Colucci 2014

To hear what is here*

To hear what is here*

The night, it is fading away
Soon, it will be light of the day
But slowly this cycle is moving on
Another reality comes, as a shadow is gone
Awakened and emerged to see crystal clear
Arrival is the sun as this is what I hear

Dom*Colucci 2014

Made to be without but only within*

Made to be without but only within*

For that to which is without is within
To that to this is, no beginning nor end
Where it came from only within really knows
It was its center that made it stem outward to grow
Now that it has a vital place where it stands
It relies on source as it know it can
Symmetrically this is, the point that is centered
It will never walk out of itself, only within it shall enter

Dom*Colucci 2014

The me that sees you*

The me that sees you*

Blinded by temptation, dark as the night
Nowhere to see, with no inner light
But I press onward in dark to be so still
As what is within has no obstacles in my will
Deeper in this meditation I see something in view
All the long that in the looking, it was me seeing you

Dom*Colucci 2014