Sunday, July 14, 2013

I am the open door*

I am the open door*

Seems that awhile back, I lived in a dark place
The only thing was my shadow, standing in my space
As I searched for the way out to see into this light
I never gave up once to have this in my sight
Revealing of itself, it seems this was meant for
There it was staring at me, for it was me in the open door

Dom*Colucci 2013

Opened always forever*

Opened always forever*

When a mountain calls you, you just have to go
Upon arrival at the base of it, you really start to know
Getting this feeling something grabs you, to pull you within
Look around you and see this, for what is within is rhythm

Smell the fragrance of freshness with the spruce, pines and air
Trailing a little more, in an environment to now be aware
A certain stillness brings silence to become of peace
Some more miles inward, a life behind you now has come to cease

A canopy of trees all in the surround
This blanket of shade is what keeps you cool all around 
Feeling the anticipation, something you have in your eyes
The canopy is gone, it is forever opened in the skies

Dom*Colucci 2013

Freedom is "here"*

Freedom is "here"*

When one is finally awakened and they realize
Something comes into their awareness to open up their eyes
For all is dropped when they know they have no past
That part of their life was the part that never did last

When they then see this, then it all becomes perfectly clear
They were never far away or behind but always right here 
For something that was false took them on a journey ahead
But there never was no journey, what was within was origin instead

To have this feeling of being the present and to be the power of now
This was always with you, for it was around you that allowed
Now the beauty of their Soul* shows them who they are to be
Within this beauty no longer in prison of themselves but totally free

Dom*Colucci 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wisdom starts from the bottom*

Wisdom starts from the bottom*

Why does one wish to be the king of the top?
This is where I beg to differ and I say "STOP!"
So my wisdom on this comes within my fountain
If you are of water, 
Flow downward like a stream from a mountain
Your function is to keep moving and not sit on a throne
Experience is Universal and not to be alone

Dom*Colucci 2013

Oh happy day*

Oh happy day*

Oh morning of glorious sunshine, guide us with your rays
Make each step we take without obstacle on the way
To hear of beautiful nature, birds sing as the do
The crow is a cawing and the morning doves they coo
To feel the rich green grass with dew on my feet
Yes I am glad I showed up, how wonderful this day to meet

Dom*Colucci 2013

"Still" here, not there*

"Still" here, not there*

As we see what comes around also goes around
Divided by night and day, arrives without a sound
But a little deeper that we observe this to be true
It is really of being here that is nothing new
In stillness we lose the myth of both divisions to be
For to be of stillness, it is only us not that in which we truly see

Dom*Colucci 2013

The secret of seeing you*

The secret of seeing you*

A secret is hidden between your eyes and forever
But it is willing to make you see and it never says never
Just walk away from what your eyes seen as you looked
Because this is ignorance in your sight that it took
Now see within, this is only one direction to go to
Something has been seeing you all the long, as this was you

Dom*Colucci 2013

Hazy, lazy days of summer*

Hazy, lazy days of summer*

Entered in, as a summer has come
All is in an abundant nature now that it is done
The days seem longer and they get warmer too
Sun way up high in the sky as you see it in view
But to settle back on the ease of the day
To find some shade under a tree near a stream on its way
Yes laziness comes down, feel relax as you do
Sit back in peace and let it filter on through

Dom*Colucci 2013

You are the substance of the wind*

You are the substance of the wind*

Come and listen to feel yourself whole
The wind has a secret, it whispers to the Soul*
It invites you with it and be substance you see
While it breezes all around in being totally free
Yes it knows of you and it comes to dance
It never misses the opportunity to have this chance
So open your heart to make it come and sing
It is the love that is within that now you have wings

Dom*Colucci 2013