Saturday, May 25, 2013

What comes around is around*

What comes around is around*

It once came to a mountain top
A cloud filled with rain that did not stop
But while it went there, it did not sit around
It was ready for a ride of a lifetime to come back down

Many rain drops followed to the ground and crashed
Opened up and divided, to make a great splash
But they all found a way to get to the bottom you see
They all seen it before, a path that made it so effortlessly

Yes they found the bottom and ran away from the basin
They kept right on rolling to the ocean and time was not wasting
Eventually they would all sit there in this vast ocean
And to once again be put in the clouds to become rain back in motion

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dry and empty, to be the flow*

Dry and empty, to be the flow*

I see a flow that is on a river bed
Always moving forward, straight ahead
But this is an objective in what I see
For it is something that lies outside of me
Asking myself, "does the river ever run dry?"
Only when I walk away from it, another venture to go by

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

"Still", you are taught by the moon*

"Still", you are taught by the moon*

If anything to be a teacher, it is in natural law
Noticing this from the Soul*, this is what is taught
Just look in nature and this is what is found
Insights directing back at you all around
But above all the greatest teacher I have seen so far
Is how the moon stands out in stillness in front of all the stars

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love is the way (TAO*)

Love is the way (TAO*)

Life is beautiful with open heart
The love is here and never apart
Universe accepts all things its way
In such allowance unconditional stays
It is rhythm and balance makes all things grow
Finely tuned and gentle for this it only knows
To take another look at what this is now
Because of the rhythm and balance, it is the TAO*

Dom*Colucci 2013

This "one" is you, the Soul*

This "one" is you, the Soul*

What is going on outside of me?
Is this a place that is seeking to be free?
It seems it is following a cause to an effect
In always asking a question, what is next?

But there is no next unless you wish of it to exist
It is now what you are focusing on and cannot resist
This is a wheel and moving round and round
You have opened your eyes and seen suffering to be found

But suffering is not what is in your need
It is merging within as the Soul* will agree
To become of this that world stops and is left alone
Now you are with the one that made you, on your own

Dom*Colucci 2013

Stay here and let go*

Stay here and let go*

I have come here with peace as I enter
Staying in the present and also to be centered
Becoming the rock as this is wise to be stable
To feel what is within as all things are able

Now to be inward in deep meditation
The stillness I become, energy in vibration
So efficiently that it flows as it so smooth
The emptiness that I am within my own truth

For whatever is accepted that does come within
I must release it once it is here to begin once again
For there is no attachment in loss or gain
But this feeling of being present right where I am staying

Dom*Colucci 2013

The way out is in*

The way out is in*

From day one my eyes could only look
I begin each part of it like an open book
It went on and on but seemed no reason to me
Why am I still here and I cannot see

Is it because of conditioning against the Soul*s desire?
To be of an outside world while things transpire
This is not I for I came here to be of joy and content
And to have peace in my life as it was always meant

In observing all the things that are in the surround
Something is making me see from the silence that I have found
The stillness that is what I have found as all things do stay
And instead of going outward, inward with this is the way

Dom*Colucci 2013