Sunday, March 31, 2013

An ocean drops in*

An ocean drops in*

The clouds do come but to no surprise
Dancing with one another in open skies
Something is happening as we see here
The skies are no longer open and also not clear
Yes what is happening as it comes to a storm
The making of a deluge and not to be warned
One sprinkle is felt and there goes another drop
All of the sudden heaven opens and it seems it does not stop
So in this constant  downpour in such a motion
This becomes from one drop as it makes an ocean

Dom*Colucci 2013

Light of the day*

Light of the day*

The murky bottom to the dark of night
In a little while, something becomes of sight
It knows precisely when it comes out to peek
For it has followed this path always in nothing to seek
Indeed it is enlightened in a place that is calm
It is the awakened lotus that lives in the pond

Dom*Colucci 2013

Here, it is*

Here, it is*

It is where I am that my being has took
To be of deep contemplation in what I look
For the depth that I go in what I see
Nothing becomes more merging back inside of me
From this picture that it shows while I am involved
Everything about this moment has definitely dissolved
Because it has vanished and this is no more
It is the meaning of being present and that is what its for

Dom*Colucci 2013

Warm at heart I spring into*

Warm at heart I spring into*

Welcome to all, the birds and the bees
Winter is now over, buds are in the trees
Flowers that grow, bursting from the seams
A longer time before that has put all in a dream
But now all is awakened to have a fresh new start
It is the Soul* that is in the Universe, right from the heart
Come rejoice of warmer times to stay
And feel this great happiness, each and everyday

Dom*Colucci 2013

A perfect artist*

A perfect artist*

Today is so much different that what I've known
From a Divine Consciousness, all around is shown
The artist has not used paper, paint or pen
But has created another masterpiece, once again
It is really nothing at all effortlessly it goes
Just look here and see openness that knows
Such a beautiful painting that one can see
This is how it becomes, in nature that is free

Dom*Colucci 2013

A real "tree"t*

A real "tree"t*

Oh vibrant life, indeed it seems
A lush carpet of growth that is very green
Nature at it best, a forest rich and free
Shade all around, cool comfort from the trees
All embraced as one, such beauty in sight
It is enhanced by this, the wonder of sunlight

Dom*Colucci 2013

A gentle gift*

A gentle gift*

Gentleness is made, slightly from the wind
Blowing itself around, again and again
It comes through the garden in a breeze
Makes all around itself with comfort and ease
But a little gift has been placed nearby
For it is the beauty on a lilac flower, of pretty butterfly

Dom*Colucci 2013

Hear it? It's spring*

Hear it? It's spring*

The sun in the morning, higher as such
Comes from the east to be out so much
A feeling once again, a breather in the air
Spring is here and goodbye to winter there
Exploding with growth, buds popping open to arise
Reaching their abundance, climbing to the skies
Yes a masterpiece being made that is all around
Nice how all is manifested without a sound

Dom*Colucci 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's here that never leaves*

It's here that never leaves*

I keep going back
To know all is intact
Forever to be seen
One day the trees will be green
But for now this will be
Yes, I love what I see

Dom*Colucci 2013

A constant state of beauty*

A constant state of beauty*

I am caught up in the surround
Each step I go, is descending down
The trees, they sing with the wind
I go back to base where I begin
This day on the summit, is finally done here
Everything I seen was in beauty and all so clear

Dom*Colucci 2013

I went up from being so down*

I went up from being so down*

I have made it to the top without a doubt
Now I am here to see what is out
A place that is definitely totally free
Above all from a canopy of many trees
I will be here to settle for a little while
In a bit go back to base, descending a few miles

Dom*Colucci 2013

It only knows one way*

It only knows one way*

Look what came from the top
It rolled down and did not stop
A mountain that is alive in the stream
All life going by, down it seems
When it reaches where it has to go
It already has seen it for it already knows

Dom*Colucci 2103

A family tree*

A family tree*

A walk in the forest, many trees around
Feeling Mother Nature, love in the surround
I take a break on the trail, a birch tree is nearby
Its limbs are extending upward, reaching towards the sky

But me by standing near it, being right there
I sense its love for me and become well aware
It looks down upon me with its limbs that remain
And for some reason or another, I feel that it wished that I came

A strange sensation comes, I feel its heart and its pure nature in love
Its wishes that it could come down and pick me up from above
Hold me in its limbs and see how happy to be
Imagine that, I feel like its son in a beautiful birch tree

Dom*Colucci 2013

My eyes see forever in my Soul*

My eyes see forever in my Soul*

I have come to a mountain, this I shall climb
A steep grade before me, a sharp incline
One foot over the other, occasionally to stop
There is never no big hurry to race to the top
For I have seen what this is inside of me
The summit that my eyes to my Soul*, forever we see

Dom*Colucci 2013

Gray to retire with*

Gray to retire with*

Oh gray morning, beyond made the clouds
To awaken without sun, as seen right now
The look of a dreary dark dismal day
Yes these clouds do linger and love to stay
So it seems this will be, it continues on again
And maybe tomorrow the sun will make the day begin

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The center stayed with me*

The center stayed with me*

The day that has covered the path with snow
Following it and seeing ahead, to go where it goes
But it is really nothing that it leads me to be
For all around me is really me to see
I have came here and a realm I have entered
That realm I stand in now that I know is my center

Dom*Colucci 2013

Always a beginning*

Always a beginning*

I come to this point where I stand
Seems like the end for no more land
But a continuance seems to take place
It moves from such spot to another space
Then to me where I left off there is no end
Picking up from here once more to begin

Dom*Colucci 2013

Relief in balance*

Relief in balance*

Comfort that you are, relieved to see
From one side of the pond to the other so free
Never to stop, to take a pause
You know your destiny without cause
Gentleness and a meditative flow
You left one side from so high to the other so low

Dom*Colucci 2013

On the road to babble on*

On the road to babble on*

Oh babbling on as we hear the brook
The flow that captivates the eyes it took
To see it come from above around the bend
And to turn beyond us with no end
Empty this feeling oh wonder that you are
For you passed by me to travel oh so far

Dom*Colucci 2013

We hit the trails end*

We hit the trails end*

Along upon a path that is so white
To have a great vision we see in sight
Amongst the hemlocks that stand so tall
To hear the breeze and the wind call
But we know that what is in front of us doth prevail
Yes indeed we are nearing the end of the trail

Dom*Colucci 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Begin with nothing that ends it also*

Begin with nothing that ends it also*

No place better than to be
It is that is what is inside of me
There is no future or no past
For right where I even stand does not last
So I say it is from here on in
The place where I end is where I begin

Dom*Colucci © 2013

Little edgy I see*

Little edgy I see*

Deep down within, something is there
It is fear that I feel from being so scared
For it is its ugliness that pops its head out
It is a world that is so miserable and lives in doubt

Having its grip on me but I know this as I shall
With my back to the wall, so I must run like hell
But who am I running from as there is no one here
An illusion for it is myself that I do not see so clear

What is this thing that it is trying to deceive me?
A nightmare in a fairy tale that I cannot be free
It has me trapped and it feels as I am at the edge
Something holding me back, the other me on this side of the ledge

Dom*Colucci 2013

I am inside here*

I am inside here*

Filling in a void that seems to be all around
Fitting into something that nowhere is to be found
So where is this place that is always dimension free?
This void that it seems to be inside of me
Then if that is the case and one is with this
When I do look inside, did I ever exist?

Dom*Colucci 2013

Love has its "point"

Love has its "point"

How life is with danger and of such
One must be gentle to give it a touch
Like how one sees a rose and is forewarned
To come over and grasp it, induce pain from the thorn
Many other things have love that surround it too
These certain things are "pointed" out in view
Like how the porcupine quills give no slouch
Yeah go right ahead, grab it and you will say "ouch"

Dom*Colucci 2013

Heaven stands here*

Heaven stands here*

I have come into a world in its weird way
Many anchors and temptations to make me stay
It felt like the Soul* that it took
My eyes where mesmerized at the things I look

A heart filled with anguish and to here a plea
To finally go back in my heart to see
But then it was here and I became aware
In what I was seeing, I gave it a stare

The more I looked at this as I could not believe
Emptiness that turned my eyes around no longer to deceive
Now it all came together as it was crystal clear
It was heaven and nothing that was there but here

Dom*Coluccci 2013  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring is "still" comes here*

Spring "still" comes here*

How glorious the days have now become
Spring is in its blossom and hummingbirds hum
Life all around has come up to sprout
Gone is the cold of winter and all its doubt
Beauty is now secured, it is to be fulfilled
To a mountain that feels so alive and perfectly still

Dom*Colucci 2013

Drop in right here*

Drop in right here*

A rain drop has fallen from the sky
Another bit of sorrow is ready to cry
But it lands in stream that takes it with the flow
And knows of the circumstance and lets it go

For it can never return back where it came from
Once it has happened it is said and done
So now that one drop of rain that became the stream
Winds up to a river and an ocean of its dream

Yes, it was once in a place of a broken heart
Now the joy of life soon to enter as it pulled apart
Move with life in the direction it will always give
Remain still and all the days of happiness you will live

Dom*Colucci 2013

Winds of freedom*

Winds of freedom*

Freedom that it becomes as it wisps away
Moving many things and making them sway
Delightful presence to have this so true
A stronger breeze that has swept right on through
For no one has ever seen the beginning or the end
It just comes all of the sudden, the essence of the wind

Dom*Colucci 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who are you?*

Who are you?*

Who are you?
Do you know who I am?
You can see me in view
And touch me where you stand
But for the time being until it unfolds
You will still be you to not see my Soul*

Dom*Colucci 2013

ZEN* on the pond with Buddha frog*

ZEN* on the pond with Buddha frog*

It is a humid evening and the moon is out tonight
I hear a croak on the pond, something brewing in sight
For it is a bullfrog that sits like Buddha on a lily pad
Some fireflies dance in front of it, for it knows what it has
Mesmerizing in its meditation right before its nose
Lashing out its tongue to capture its meal and that is the way it goes

Dom*Colucci 2013

Beauty from nothing*

Beauty from nothing*

Spring is arriving, showing up on its own
Cherry blossoms popping out, fully blown
Seems what is behind us now it will never be again
The wonders of this start all over and begin
A masterpiece of art that the artist has seen in his view
He did it without effort in knowing nothing to do
This is how ZEN* operates and uses what is here
And gives back to eyes so they see beauty crystal clear

Dom*Colucci 2013

It knows with the flow*

It knows with the flow*

Silence not a whisper, it is a breeze that is loud
Before this day begins, emptiness with no crowd
Just the veins of this passage I walk along this street
And find more serenity within, a void that I meet
Yes where I am for I really do not know
It is life that is in front of me and I will go with the flow

Dom*Colucci 2013

Now that is just ducky*

Now that is just ducky*

Look amongst the pond as it is no longer clear
It is strewn with lily pads all over here
Seems like this is the place that they are satisfied and grow
Wishing to live here in this spot, it is the only place they know
I flew all this distance as I sought to swim
I guess I will take flight and find another pond again

Dom*Colucci 2013

Nothing happened before or after*

Nothing happened before or after*

Many of times I have been through this before
Just did not see this as an open door
Anticipation seem to be what bothered me
Could never sit still in being so patiently
But now I see that whatever I enter has begun
Because with my awareness it is already done
So no more seeing the end result as a plan
The end result I see, is right where I stand

Dom*Colucci 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

ZEN*...a walk a"round" the square*

ZEN*...a walk a"round" the square*

An obelisk stands in the middle of the square
Something here is itself becoming well aware
The sun beats down a shadow is shown
Look at its perpendicular, as it walks on its own
It has movement but there is no sound
But tell me one thing, how does it walk around?

Dom*Colucci 2013

Neither to either, both at once*

Neither to either, both at once*

What is outside myself as I take a look
Temptation it has, the eyes they took
I seem to know better, something tells me inside
A voice that says "instead, come here where you reside"

Leaving that distance outside to finally be home
Within I am integrated not to be alone
For I see that what is definitely inside of me
One that I am that within does agree

So it is the one that I am and to be known
Outer world breaks away, a treasure to be shown
It is a split that comes and what is to be seen
I am the middle way, the TAO* in between

Dom*Colucci 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Stillness with its dangers*

Stillness with its dangers*

The heavens all around, seem to be a little gray
But brightness is filtering through to make a sunny day
Some light winds pick up and make the grass dance
They waited a long while to once again have this chance
But as much as what is around to give it some vigor
A little piece of land is still as there sits a tiger

Dom*Colucci 2013

We make a motion to the light*

We make a motion to the light*

We have come across such a calamity in motion
Tossing here and there, no peace on the ocean
Striving so hard we must get to solid ground
But the dragon seen its tail and puts us in its surround
We go forward with this, no matter how difficult we try
In a distance we see, this will bring us to sunny skies

Dom*Colucci 2013

A master's peace*

A master's peace*

A new canvas is painted in this wondrous dream
The master is the consciousness in its own scheme
It places things around in its masterpiece to be
While it moves in the harmony that it seems it agrees
It does this in its own eye to make things of peace and calm
Then moves onward to another reality when it is said and done

Dom*Colucci 2013

Time follows nothing*

Time follows nothing*

I sit in this room and ask myself what to do
Each moment that goes by that I go through
The seconds that I count, they feel like hours
Locked here in my own boredom under its power
So the depths of patience that seems to be so shallow
Into a void of nothingness that I must follow

Dom*Colucci 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fragrant words on the airways*

Fragrant words on the airways*

Wonderful conversation between us two
Let us take a walk in the garden, right in view
To have such a pleasant feeling as we do it once again
To talk of past experiences, future ones that will not end
Don't you feel a gentle breeze and the wafting of perfume?
The airing of everything here and lots of open room

Dom*Colucci 2013

Beauty of paradise*

Beauty of paradise*

Tucked deep in the valley, a little village stands
Only few inhabitants on a short piece of land
But it is the fall and the colors vibrantly show
A paradise in the summer, you see the greens grow
But still admired beauty, the background is a mountain
A cool stream flowing off it, like a bubbling fountain

Dom*Colucci 2013