Never left here but returned*
It just happened to be one day
Something needed to be seen to be on its way
From its innocence to be so pure
It knew the direction life would take it so sure
So innocence was dropped, not be seen again
But one day this sage would learn right to begin
It embarked on a journey with pitfalls ahead
Gone now was dependency, facing trials instead
This one took a look in front of what was to be
Obstacles a plenty to make one to be free
Now there is a teacher in this while one is growing
But it is behind the scenes, not to be showing
A mountain that is there, needed to climb
It is not to get the summit, that will be fine
No the journey continues back as to get back down
And place one's foot solidly, back on solid ground
So in essence the journey is not over when reaches the top
It is actually in returning to be aligned right on the spot
Then one will know that it was well worth it in striving to be there
And to come back as one made it home to be here
Dom*Colucci 2012