Leave it, it will go*
Crumpled leaves and tattered ground
Autumn blows in with mighty sound
Dance of these leaves spiral out of control
Nothing can stop them as there is no hold
Song of a witches wind that will make all things blow
No stopping them ever, all of life is on the go
Dom*Colucci 2010
You have already been Awakened as you see outside yourself you not only go to sleep but you are always asleep subconsciously*
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Allowance in Universal energy*
Allowance in Universal energy*
A distance is afar, this is not near
From where I see it is crystal clear
To go beyond this vantage point I do not see
So leaving an objective far from this reality
To stay put right here in this present Now
Instead feel the energy of the Universe to allow
Dom*Colucci 2010
A distance is afar, this is not near
From where I see it is crystal clear
To go beyond this vantage point I do not see
So leaving an objective far from this reality
To stay put right here in this present Now
Instead feel the energy of the Universe to allow
Dom*Colucci 2010
Light from night*
Light from night*
Oh darkened skies that have shadowed day
It is the moon that is lit to see the way
The stars have suspended with Love in the air
Making more peace in heart with gentle care
After a beautiful evening that this will be
The sun does come back out for all to see
Dom*Colucci 2010
Oh darkened skies that have shadowed day
It is the moon that is lit to see the way
The stars have suspended with Love in the air
Making more peace in heart with gentle care
After a beautiful evening that this will be
The sun does come back out for all to see
Dom*Colucci 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
More Haikus*
More Haikus*
Calm sits in the woods,
Slight breeze hints the air,
The snowflake hits the ground*
Moon has arisen,
Mountain turns black
Tree branch falls*
Church bells in a distance
Rain has baptized the morning
Caterpillar crawls up a daisy stem*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Calm sits in the woods,
Slight breeze hints the air,
The snowflake hits the ground*
Moon has arisen,
Mountain turns black
Tree branch falls*
Church bells in a distance
Rain has baptized the morning
Caterpillar crawls up a daisy stem*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Three in One*
Three in One*
Rock in the river bed
Eagle flying north
Fern leaning over*
Soft winds blow,
The chipmunk scurries by
The pine needle falls in the pond*
Moment caught still,
Sparrows sing away,
Wind embraces chimes*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Rock in the river bed
Eagle flying north
Fern leaning over*
Soft winds blow,
The chipmunk scurries by
The pine needle falls in the pond*
Moment caught still,
Sparrows sing away,
Wind embraces chimes*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Oneness in three*
Oneness in three*
I had another revelation yesterday, I have found out why people have their ignorance with more and more deeper they get without becoming Enlightened as it is called insecurity...why?..because of not being sure of what the future has in store for them...why they would think such a thing I have no idea as we all live here right Now and whatever the moment presents us is what is sufficed by Soul...so the Soul is the manufacturer of us and why we would deviate from something like that is also beyond me as no one has Trust in themselves no more always looking to be ahead...why?...be ahead of what?...themselves?...well they are doing a good job of it because this is insecurity and living beyond what here is right Now for them....this is how they become as all their breathing is out of whack and not in rhythm with themselves and the Universe, which brings me to my next point...the Soul... your physical body and the Universe...OK consider the Universe was made from Awareness and because of ITS vastness IT wanted to condense IT-self down from becoming the same energy but in a smaller manner as IT was Now sharing IT-self to IT-self so IT gives IT-self the name of Soul....
Now Soul knows that it can manifest anything as IT is the Universe in part and whole the same way the Universe manifested the Soul and all that is...so Now the Soul manifests IT-self as a physical being whether IT be man or woman, ITS primary mission is just to be...OK Now seeing that this is complete the Soul has IT-self to a point then ignorance steps in at a very early age as to see causes and conditions and insecurities...OK next the physical body loses Spirit and Now has found a bunch of dead ends in its Awareness and ego starts its suffering....then one day out of a shift in the present moment or here Now the physical body finds the G-SPOT in the Universe in the form of the gap which is between you and oblivion with corrections during a meditation like the one I experienced this summer and continue to do so...out of this non resistance is felt and then the Soul is recognized with this as the physical being Now sees the Universe outside is the same Universe inside(Soul) and the physical body which the Soul manufactured is beginning to feel Oneness with all of this as all 3 energies are Now combined in One as to make an art form gracefully and extending IT-self with security but Trust as Now the Soul is the guide of this and balance is achieved in doing so...as you are becoming your own form of martial arts in paintings, eating, walking, anything you do as IT becomes art in super duper Awareness...there is a light feeling about yourself as all the ignorance that veiled you does not understand this and breaks away as to lifting the veil as no attachments are a form of security within and not without and this is why this ignorance does not understand...
So in essence you have broke the insecurity you had as you have been here before as you are Now and all 3 are in Oneness with the Universe and complete as everywhere you go Now there is no need reasons, justifications or judgments as all is in balance like a rock that sits on the ground perfectly as the whole outside itself disregards the rock and searches for other ignorance outside as it wishes as this is called the Mahayana and you have become the ENSO center or I call ENSO ZEN..see it?..make sense?...you get this very light feeling..during a my meditations before it felt funny when I felt I was slipping away and it was ignorance that held me back as Now that feeling is gone because it was ignorance encouraging me to be attached to it as this enters the non resistant field...
See your own Truth as this is the Soul that does so.
Dom*Colucci 2010
I had another revelation yesterday, I have found out why people have their ignorance with more and more deeper they get without becoming Enlightened as it is called insecurity...why?..because of not being sure of what the future has in store for them...why they would think such a thing I have no idea as we all live here right Now and whatever the moment presents us is what is sufficed by Soul...so the Soul is the manufacturer of us and why we would deviate from something like that is also beyond me as no one has Trust in themselves no more always looking to be ahead...why?...be ahead of what?...themselves?...well they are doing a good job of it because this is insecurity and living beyond what here is right Now for them....this is how they become as all their breathing is out of whack and not in rhythm with themselves and the Universe, which brings me to my next point...the Soul... your physical body and the Universe...OK consider the Universe was made from Awareness and because of ITS vastness IT wanted to condense IT-self down from becoming the same energy but in a smaller manner as IT was Now sharing IT-self to IT-self so IT gives IT-self the name of Soul....
Now Soul knows that it can manifest anything as IT is the Universe in part and whole the same way the Universe manifested the Soul and all that is...so Now the Soul manifests IT-self as a physical being whether IT be man or woman, ITS primary mission is just to be...OK Now seeing that this is complete the Soul has IT-self to a point then ignorance steps in at a very early age as to see causes and conditions and insecurities...OK next the physical body loses Spirit and Now has found a bunch of dead ends in its Awareness and ego starts its suffering....then one day out of a shift in the present moment or here Now the physical body finds the G-SPOT in the Universe in the form of the gap which is between you and oblivion with corrections during a meditation like the one I experienced this summer and continue to do so...out of this non resistance is felt and then the Soul is recognized with this as the physical being Now sees the Universe outside is the same Universe inside(Soul) and the physical body which the Soul manufactured is beginning to feel Oneness with all of this as all 3 energies are Now combined in One as to make an art form gracefully and extending IT-self with security but Trust as Now the Soul is the guide of this and balance is achieved in doing so...as you are becoming your own form of martial arts in paintings, eating, walking, anything you do as IT becomes art in super duper Awareness...there is a light feeling about yourself as all the ignorance that veiled you does not understand this and breaks away as to lifting the veil as no attachments are a form of security within and not without and this is why this ignorance does not understand...
So in essence you have broke the insecurity you had as you have been here before as you are Now and all 3 are in Oneness with the Universe and complete as everywhere you go Now there is no need reasons, justifications or judgments as all is in balance like a rock that sits on the ground perfectly as the whole outside itself disregards the rock and searches for other ignorance outside as it wishes as this is called the Mahayana and you have become the ENSO center or I call ENSO ZEN..see it?..make sense?...you get this very light feeling..during a my meditations before it felt funny when I felt I was slipping away and it was ignorance that held me back as Now that feeling is gone because it was ignorance encouraging me to be attached to it as this enters the non resistant field...
See your own Truth as this is the Soul that does so.
Dom*Colucci 2010
Morning Haikus #2*
Morning Haikus #2*
Rock in the river bed
Eagle flying north
Fern leaning over*
Centipede meanders
Rain in the bucket
The woodpecker climbs*
The wolf cries out
The mountain is high
The moon hides behind the cloud*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Rock in the river bed
Eagle flying north
Fern leaning over*
Centipede meanders
Rain in the bucket
The woodpecker climbs*
The wolf cries out
The mountain is high
The moon hides behind the cloud*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Feast of all seasons*
Feast of all seasons*
The spring comes in to prepare
Summer is the meal for Love and care
But the fall is the bounty of harvest feast
Winter cleans the plate off to say the least
As once again the chef who prepared creates
To bring the cornucopia of delights and celebrates
Dom*Colucci 2010
A tribute the seasons that come and go but return once again*
The spring comes in to prepare
Summer is the meal for Love and care
But the fall is the bounty of harvest feast
Winter cleans the plate off to say the least
As once again the chef who prepared creates
To bring the cornucopia of delights and celebrates
Dom*Colucci 2010
A tribute the seasons that come and go but return once again*
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Peaceful Sunday at the Peace Pagoda
A Peaceful Sunday at the Peace Pagoda
This is a true story as told by myself...It happened one Sunday back in February 2009, a week before Valentine's Day. I was going for a walk in one of many developments where I live and had a notion half way through the walk to go to the Grafton Peace Pagoda in Grafton,N.Y.
As I was trekking back I had an urge of hunger pangs and was going to get a bite to eat at home. Remember what I just said as to later on it is the story. When I got home, I found out my wife went out shopping and my daughter was studying some papers for a report for at college at the kitchen table and I did not want to disturb her. I told her I would be home to pick up my mother-in-laws car around 4:00 PM and to tell mom I will be there. She agreed and I picked out of the kitchen cabinet a package of Goldfish crackers and off I went.
My first coincidental experience was I was following a truck that had vanity plates that said "GEARDOCTOR" on them. At the time I did not know what that meant but continued. As I travelled up Route 7 going east then 278 to Tamarac and then to Grafton where Taconic Lake Road is I noticed a lady with gray hair walking very briskly down Taconic Lake Road. As I was driving past her she smiled at me and I wondered to myself if she was going to the Pagoda but another coincident was going to happen. I went down Crandall Road and parked behind two vehicles as noticed that these people were here to meditate and give thanks.
So I get out of the car and start to walk up the snowy path and was met by a Irish Setter puppy as if he wanted to tell me something. Well, he did. As he was leading me on, I noticed the front of the temple was closed with a sign on it stating it was closed to go in the back way. The puppy was bringing me back in the back way. I noticed another sign that pointed me to go through the kitchen and down to the temple, as I left the puppy there outside in the cold. I took my shoes off and heard chanting as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
I said to myself, it sounds like a ceremony so maybe I should turn around and go back home. All I wanted to do is meditate there but something told me to stay and become one with the rest. I walked down the stairs and seen the Nicherin Buddhist Nun hitting the peace drum and pointed to me to proceed in the back of the temple. I bowed to the altar and bowed toward her. I noticed 5 people there as they were going through the motions as I do not know the culture good enough to go through the motions, as brought up a Catholic. I found my place in the back and started to get figitdy with my seating. I love seating on a high pillow or sit on a chair but I sat on the floor as the Nun seen me in discomfort but allowed me to continue.
Well, I gazed at the people that were there and noticed two couples and a little girl as cute as a button. She turned around and started to wink at me and I kept smiling at her. As soon as the ceremony was over, the Nun asked the couples to help her set the table. Set the table? What the? The Nun grabbed the one couple as they proceeded to go in the kitchen. As the other couple sat there they were meditating, and I sought higher ground to sit as in the chair behind me. The room was a brisk 20 degrees and I decided to take my sweatshirt off because I found my core temperature, as you know Buddhists in a temple or colony do not believe in western technology when it comes to heating or cooling a place, still the same I was comfortable. The Nun came back in and put blankets on the other couple.
She told the other couple,"we eat Now ," and said "welcome,too." Well Welcome ,too was me but did not know that. After 5 minutes sitting there I decided to get up and go home, but the Nun came out and directed me to the kitchen and offered me some tea. I obliged and when I got there, she set a plate for me to eat. She said to me,"I see you here sometimes. why you come? Who sent you? Do you like?" I said ,"yes, I come here a few times and yes I like it here and the guys down at work told me about this place." She directed me downwards to a sitting stool to eat, as she knew I was in discomfort in the temple.
As I was looking at what she prepared me, it was spiced rice with kimshe,brocolli and carrots with rasberry
So as the minutes were winding down, the Nun took my dishes and gave me an apple crisp which was also delicious. I was talking to the two guys as their soul mates went off to help the Nun with the dishes. I heard the one guy say to the other,"your bride to be has a deep European accent and what country is she from?" The other guy said, Now get this, this is the whole intent why not only to go meditate there at the Pagoda but what I was longing for seeing I did not eat,"HUNGARY." I did a double take and practically fell out my stool as I almost stooled myself. Another coincidence.
I looked at the clock and told everyone I had to go back home but the Buddhist Nun said to me, "I am leaving soon to go to Germany to a peace march and Tibetan monks come to take care of the place. Please come back in May 10th this year." I said,"OK," but did not know that was going to be Mother's Day and the Dalai Lama at the same time being there. Another weird coincidence. Gave everyone a hug and said goodbye as I left, by the way the dog was still outside but he made it in as far as where you put your shoes. How did he do that?
As I was walking away that day not only was it addressed Spiritually to me but that same gray hair lady that I past early on was walking by the Peace Pagoda waving at me like she was there in my Subjective Reality all the time, another coincidence? I say,"YES!" Oh yes, remember the truck with "GEARDOCTOR" on it well the next day it dawned on me what that meant. Gear is an object that meshes with another to make a machine work synchronistically and doctor is something fixes someones ills or aligns things up for someone. That day I had the biggest "GEARDOCTOR" ever known to mankind....GOD/HIGHER INTEL/SOURCE come to me in calling cards as I always mention. All my life I get these calling cards but Now I get closer to the meaning of my core being.
Well I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I wrote it for you and may you see your coincidences beneficial as well....I truly can say I love my life and grateful that I was put here as I get closer to the being I am suppose to be always.
Dom* Colucci(+)33 777
This is a true story as told by myself...It happened one Sunday back in February 2009, a week before Valentine's Day. I was going for a walk in one of many developments where I live and had a notion half way through the walk to go to the Grafton Peace Pagoda in Grafton,N.Y.
As I was trekking back I had an urge of hunger pangs and was going to get a bite to eat at home. Remember what I just said as to later on it is the story. When I got home, I found out my wife went out shopping and my daughter was studying some papers for a report for at college at the kitchen table and I did not want to disturb her. I told her I would be home to pick up my mother-in-laws car around 4:00 PM and to tell mom I will be there. She agreed and I picked out of the kitchen cabinet a package of Goldfish crackers and off I went.
My first coincidental experience was I was following a truck that had vanity plates that said "GEARDOCTOR" on them. At the time I did not know what that meant but continued. As I travelled up Route 7 going east then 278 to Tamarac and then to Grafton where Taconic Lake Road is I noticed a lady with gray hair walking very briskly down Taconic Lake Road. As I was driving past her she smiled at me and I wondered to myself if she was going to the Pagoda but another coincident was going to happen. I went down Crandall Road and parked behind two vehicles as noticed that these people were here to meditate and give thanks.
So I get out of the car and start to walk up the snowy path and was met by a Irish Setter puppy as if he wanted to tell me something. Well, he did. As he was leading me on, I noticed the front of the temple was closed with a sign on it stating it was closed to go in the back way. The puppy was bringing me back in the back way. I noticed another sign that pointed me to go through the kitchen and down to the temple, as I left the puppy there outside in the cold. I took my shoes off and heard chanting as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
I said to myself, it sounds like a ceremony so maybe I should turn around and go back home. All I wanted to do is meditate there but something told me to stay and become one with the rest. I walked down the stairs and seen the Nicherin Buddhist Nun hitting the peace drum and pointed to me to proceed in the back of the temple. I bowed to the altar and bowed toward her. I noticed 5 people there as they were going through the motions as I do not know the culture good enough to go through the motions, as brought up a Catholic. I found my place in the back and started to get figitdy with my seating. I love seating on a high pillow or sit on a chair but I sat on the floor as the Nun seen me in discomfort but allowed me to continue.
Well, I gazed at the people that were there and noticed two couples and a little girl as cute as a button. She turned around and started to wink at me and I kept smiling at her. As soon as the ceremony was over, the Nun asked the couples to help her set the table. Set the table? What the? The Nun grabbed the one couple as they proceeded to go in the kitchen. As the other couple sat there they were meditating, and I sought higher ground to sit as in the chair behind me. The room was a brisk 20 degrees and I decided to take my sweatshirt off because I found my core temperature, as you know Buddhists in a temple or colony do not believe in western technology when it comes to heating or cooling a place, still the same I was comfortable. The Nun came back in and put blankets on the other couple.
She told the other couple,"we eat Now ," and said "welcome,too." Well Welcome ,too was me but did not know that. After 5 minutes sitting there I decided to get up and go home, but the Nun came out and directed me to the kitchen and offered me some tea. I obliged and when I got there, she set a plate for me to eat. She said to me,"I see you here sometimes. why you come? Who sent you? Do you like?" I said ,"yes, I come here a few times and yes I like it here and the guys down at work told me about this place." She directed me downwards to a sitting stool to eat, as she knew I was in discomfort in the temple.
As I was looking at what she prepared me, it was spiced rice with kimshe,brocolli and carrots with rasberry
So as the minutes were winding down, the Nun took my dishes and gave me an apple crisp which was also delicious. I was talking to the two guys as their soul mates went off to help the Nun with the dishes. I heard the one guy say to the other,"your bride to be has a deep European accent and what country is she from?" The other guy said, Now get this, this is the whole intent why not only to go meditate there at the Pagoda but what I was longing for seeing I did not eat,"HUNGARY." I did a double take and practically fell out my stool as I almost stooled myself. Another coincidence.
I looked at the clock and told everyone I had to go back home but the Buddhist Nun said to me, "I am leaving soon to go to Germany to a peace march and Tibetan monks come to take care of the place. Please come back in May 10th this year." I said,"OK," but did not know that was going to be Mother's Day and the Dalai Lama at the same time being there. Another weird coincidence. Gave everyone a hug and said goodbye as I left, by the way the dog was still outside but he made it in as far as where you put your shoes. How did he do that?
As I was walking away that day not only was it addressed Spiritually to me but that same gray hair lady that I past early on was walking by the Peace Pagoda waving at me like she was there in my Subjective Reality all the time, another coincidence? I say,"YES!" Oh yes, remember the truck with "GEARDOCTOR" on it well the next day it dawned on me what that meant. Gear is an object that meshes with another to make a machine work synchronistically and doctor is something fixes someones ills or aligns things up for someone. That day I had the biggest "GEARDOCTOR" ever known to mankind....GOD/HIGHER INTEL/SOURCE come to me in calling cards as I always mention. All my life I get these calling cards but Now I get closer to the meaning of my core being.
Well I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I wrote it for you and may you see your coincidences beneficial as well....I truly can say I love my life and grateful that I was put here as I get closer to the being I am suppose to be always.
Dom* Colucci(+)33 777
Zen and the big circle*
Zen and the big circle*
Did you ever hear of the Enso?..It is the symbol of Zen as it is called the"Circle"..Now I have been examining the whole picture as you do in Zen and not judge what is in front of you and came up with an interesting conclusion about the analogy of itself and here is what I came up with with Zen and its circle.
Central theme of Zen is in its Enlightenment, as it is the center core of nothingness that makes you Enlightened. OK, next if you are center core, Now look outside yourself. What do you see? To me it is an illusion that is being presented in your subjective reality but look again. It is what Buddhists call the "Wheel". OK,Now that we have that covered does Enso look familiar to you Now.
Now go beyond that and there is this HUGE VOID..Now when I look at that void, I can only think to myself that the "Wheel" is moving in the void and who is moving the "Wheel"..basically nothing but you...In a way you came into this world as a starting point on the "wheel" and eventually have an end point as in death but as soon as you detach from it you are on your way to Enlightenment. If you notice when you are in your world, you try to make the squares fit the rounds and does not work as it is egoic but its twin is Enlightenment. This is how ego loses as it is a part of the "Wheel" to divide, conquer and criticize and judge, but the center always remains intact..and does not go beyond the bounds of what is..because it is...
So in conclusion remember, you are already Enlightened as soon as you detach from the "Wheel" your center core comes in alignment with your core of your Spirit..Here is a website below that will let you see how this works from detachment..enjoy and a wikipedia brief description as well...
Dom*Colucci 2010
Did you ever hear of the Enso?..It is the symbol of Zen as it is called the"Circle"..Now I have been examining the whole picture as you do in Zen and not judge what is in front of you and came up with an interesting conclusion about the analogy of itself and here is what I came up with with Zen and its circle.
Central theme of Zen is in its Enlightenment, as it is the center core of nothingness that makes you Enlightened. OK, next if you are center core, Now look outside yourself. What do you see? To me it is an illusion that is being presented in your subjective reality but look again. It is what Buddhists call the "Wheel". OK,Now that we have that covered does Enso look familiar to you Now.
Now go beyond that and there is this HUGE VOID..Now when I look at that void, I can only think to myself that the "Wheel" is moving in the void and who is moving the "Wheel"..basically nothing but you...In a way you came into this world as a starting point on the "wheel" and eventually have an end point as in death but as soon as you detach from it you are on your way to Enlightenment. If you notice when you are in your world, you try to make the squares fit the rounds and does not work as it is egoic but its twin is Enlightenment. This is how ego loses as it is a part of the "Wheel" to divide, conquer and criticize and judge, but the center always remains intact..and does not go beyond the bounds of what is..because it is...
So in conclusion remember, you are already Enlightened as soon as you detach from the "Wheel" your center core comes in alignment with your core of your Spirit..Here is a website below that will let you see how this works from detachment..enjoy and a wikipedia brief description as well...
Dom*Colucci 2010
Morning Haikus*
Frozen white mountain top
Shifting sky abruptly
Forest awakens morning*
Crisp morning air
Coffee is brewing
Lady bug arrives*
Clouds dancing slowly
Hemlocks wafting fragrance
The brook babbles onward*
Shifting sky abruptly
Forest awakens morning*
Crisp morning air
Coffee is brewing
Lady bug arrives*
Clouds dancing slowly
Hemlocks wafting fragrance
The brook babbles onward*
Dom*Colucci 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bodhisattva was a fly*
Bodhisattva was the fly*
This a fictional story and not to be taken as a truth unless someone out there has had an experience like this and it is purely coincidental and to considered as not a fact.
It was early Sunday morning in July and the family was getting up to get ready to go church. As the day went on from eating breakfast and drinking coffee, everyone was delighted that this was special day. The day they will always remember as long as they lived. Now after the family was primmed with proper attire and set to go to church, someone walked by the garbage can and knocked it over and did not notice it. While the trash was strewn all over the garage floor, the paper goods, napkins and newspapers, plastic tops and bacon grease with all kinds of other food particles and liquids were exposed to the hot humid morning that was brought on that day.
As the morning lingered on, there was a transformation in the works. It seems during the night a few flies got into the garage and was attracted to the scent of the aromatic swill. Of course in the process of their folly more flies were created and larvae were soon hatched and created a halo of the winged warrior of man's after affect. During this dance of the occasion, the church going family was through with their communion with God and now they were on their way home. As they pulled in to the driveway, they opened the garage door only find the winged warriors of swill flying all around the garage space. Now dad and mom grabbed a couple of brooms and started swatting them out of the garage and their little daughter ran into the house allowing at least one of them into the kitchen.
Now the job of picking up an orderly home was once secured or was it. Remember the little daughter let one of the winged warriors in the house. Now as the day progressed and Sunday dinner was over the family with all the activity of Sunday was at a close. It seemed during the confusion one of the parents knocked over some solvent which rolled down the steps of the basement and was slowly leaking patiently towards the gas hot water tank. As the day became night the majority of the fumes where beginning to take shape of critical mass. As soon as the volatile mixture became of pyrotechnics the family was retired in a long drawn out sleep. Remember the fly was still in the house. During the situation in the basement and the winged warrior enjoying the domain of the family's home both eventually got together. The fly wound up in the parents room and started to tease dad's nose. Dad was brushing the winged warrior to and fro, but the persistence of the little creature was not unnoticed. So dad decided to get up and see if he could free the pesky insect from the home.
The fly took dad to the kitchen and eventually out into the garage. Where dad finally let the tiny creature free. But dad noticed a peculiar smell of smoke, chemical and wood. Dad was now surprised that there was a fire in his basement and ran back into the house to get his family and save them. As he gathered his family he grabbed his cell phone and called 911. By the time the fire department got there the house was a total loss, but the family was intact. Now dad was recalling of the events due to a pile of garbage that wound up as the cause and effect of that event. It was amazing to him to see that the very same creature they were getting rid of was their saviour and he thanked God that they were still alive to see another day. The fly that everyone did not want around became a bodhisattva that day.
The moral of the story is and I emphasize judgment no matter how something small is bothering you it is a blessing in disguise and in this case many people discount shady things as fly by nights but this one paid off. Remember this is only fictional in my reality and is used as an opinion to bring out a point.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story as well as I presented to you. Thank you and may many little things guide you to your Enlightenment.
Dom*Colucci 2010
This a fictional story and not to be taken as a truth unless someone out there has had an experience like this and it is purely coincidental and to considered as not a fact.
It was early Sunday morning in July and the family was getting up to get ready to go church. As the day went on from eating breakfast and drinking coffee, everyone was delighted that this was special day. The day they will always remember as long as they lived. Now after the family was primmed with proper attire and set to go to church, someone walked by the garbage can and knocked it over and did not notice it. While the trash was strewn all over the garage floor, the paper goods, napkins and newspapers, plastic tops and bacon grease with all kinds of other food particles and liquids were exposed to the hot humid morning that was brought on that day.
As the morning lingered on, there was a transformation in the works. It seems during the night a few flies got into the garage and was attracted to the scent of the aromatic swill. Of course in the process of their folly more flies were created and larvae were soon hatched and created a halo of the winged warrior of man's after affect. During this dance of the occasion, the church going family was through with their communion with God and now they were on their way home. As they pulled in to the driveway, they opened the garage door only find the winged warriors of swill flying all around the garage space. Now dad and mom grabbed a couple of brooms and started swatting them out of the garage and their little daughter ran into the house allowing at least one of them into the kitchen.
Now the job of picking up an orderly home was once secured or was it. Remember the little daughter let one of the winged warriors in the house. Now as the day progressed and Sunday dinner was over the family with all the activity of Sunday was at a close. It seemed during the confusion one of the parents knocked over some solvent which rolled down the steps of the basement and was slowly leaking patiently towards the gas hot water tank. As the day became night the majority of the fumes where beginning to take shape of critical mass. As soon as the volatile mixture became of pyrotechnics the family was retired in a long drawn out sleep. Remember the fly was still in the house. During the situation in the basement and the winged warrior enjoying the domain of the family's home both eventually got together. The fly wound up in the parents room and started to tease dad's nose. Dad was brushing the winged warrior to and fro, but the persistence of the little creature was not unnoticed. So dad decided to get up and see if he could free the pesky insect from the home.
The fly took dad to the kitchen and eventually out into the garage. Where dad finally let the tiny creature free. But dad noticed a peculiar smell of smoke, chemical and wood. Dad was now surprised that there was a fire in his basement and ran back into the house to get his family and save them. As he gathered his family he grabbed his cell phone and called 911. By the time the fire department got there the house was a total loss, but the family was intact. Now dad was recalling of the events due to a pile of garbage that wound up as the cause and effect of that event. It was amazing to him to see that the very same creature they were getting rid of was their saviour and he thanked God that they were still alive to see another day. The fly that everyone did not want around became a bodhisattva that day.
The moral of the story is and I emphasize judgment no matter how something small is bothering you it is a blessing in disguise and in this case many people discount shady things as fly by nights but this one paid off. Remember this is only fictional in my reality and is used as an opinion to bring out a point.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story as well as I presented to you. Thank you and may many little things guide you to your Enlightenment.
Dom*Colucci 2010
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