Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The wind plays in the woods*

The wind plays in the woods*

I traipse through the woods and hear a sound
Sweet music from a minstrel playing a lute all around 
Birds flying throughout the forest in all the trees
Blending with the music with their little breeze
Joyful walking in this wonderland to be
Caring about nothing and feeling so free

Dom*Colucci 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Never look back, ever*

Never look back, ever*

Oh brave encounter, to slip through ego's hand
You have made the journey tough, right where you stand
Suffering would not let you ever pull through
You gave yourself up one day what are you to do
But a glimpse of light shined through the one who is Aware
Now of this Awakening, invincible as you dare

Dom*Colucci 2010

Pinnacle of Life just begun*

Pinnacle of life just begun*

Open doors of wisdom's past
You came back home and here at last
You traveled many incarnations free
Physical death came to being outside thee
But now you are the awakened one
Your cycle of reincarnation is over and done

Dom*Colucci 2010

Breath of fresh air*

Breath of fresh air*

The wind is light and I can see
Blowing all around so wonderfully free
Knowing all the passageways to go through
Strong enough with force and knowing what to do
But today a brisk feeling that makes me seem to smile
I walked along a river and did a few miles

Dom*Colucci 2010

A good gust of life*

A good gust of life*

Walking along the path, I feel chill in the breeze
I see the wind a blowing, it shakes through the trees
A play on all leaves that sits on the ground
When the good gust comes the leaves spin around
There is life only momentary as it was just then
Blowing with some more wind to do it over again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Spinning but always still here*

Spinning but always still here*

Oh global roundness, rolling all around
Energy is perpetual and does not make a sound
Spinning without care, even with no plan
Moving always effortlessly knowing that it can
A little blue dot in oblivion that is made
Never moving anywhere, right here it always stayed

Dom*Colucci 2010

Over and over again, here*

Over and over again, here*

There is no time in any of this place
Time that "thought" there was not even in space
The continuum that was never here at all
Macro Universe we "think", to the micro that is small
No, it is here always as it has been
The reset button stays on, only to begin once again

Dom*Colucci 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bus stops for no one*

Bus stops for no one*

Oh No!!!! Here it starts all over, as we begin
I am late for school this time of course, once again
I hurry through and get things ready
I try to keep cool and be very steady
I see the bus and quickly run to get on and sit
Synchronicity works once more as here again I fit

Dom*Colucci 2010

No shopping in a no parking zone*

No shopping in a no parking zone*

The parking lot is getting full I see at the mall
Ah! There is a spot but that one looks to small
I drive around the back to see another spot
Let's zoom the car quickly and make it on the dot
Whoops!!! Someone is there as we just missed this one too
Better go back home until this mad rush is through

Dom*Colucci 2010

Walk in a white blanket*

Walk in a white blanket*

I walk along the bike path on the river bank
It is so cold but I am warm, I give thanks
To see the geese in the frozen sound
They have this chance to get out of town
But it gets more intense when snow is around
Swirling all over and hitting the ground

Dom*Colucci 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tall is the skies outline*

Tall is the skies outline*

Tall with rock and shale on the ledge
Air surrounds the mountain and grabs the edge
Swirling and howling going up the side
Giving the cliffs the breeze and going for the ride
Ever so high as one looks up to
Standing so proud with skies so blue

Dom*Colucci 2010

One Love in Life*

One love in life*

Oh love of life no struggle within
Found the key of nothing on where to begin
This passage way one does enter
Seeks its own balance and truly is centered
Looking no longer deep what has inside
Living with Soul*, the one I confide

Dom*Colucci 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Light of sight*

Light of sight*

Trees reflecting on the lake
The sun comes out, the light it makes
See the beauty all around
Wind in the woods with little sound
Life begins with all these things
Eye within all that is, this is what it brings

Dom*Colucci 2010

Where is it?*

Where is it?*

Look over there as it is right here
Pondering over this as it gets so clear
Closer and closer, one does find
Nothing left in that state of "mind"
But stay a moment more as it will be
This thing that is here you will no longer see

Dom*Colucci 2010 

Open and no hoping*

Open and no hoping*

Living in the hollows of empty inside
Giving up in all and taking it in stride
Nothing to bring in and nothing to leave
One no longer existing with nothing to believe
There is none as this seems the end of the line
But a bigger opening, with no end to time

Dom*Colucci 2010