Monday, May 27, 2024

W"hole" in one*

W"hole" in one* 

There is no more no less

No matter where, from east to west

Brought into this world as it did greet

When I arrived, I was already complete

Nothing to learn, it is wisdom from my SOUL*

That is the completeness which makes me whole

To see what all in the surround for that is not my direction

All what one looks at, is an illusionary reflection

But to have an enlighten path of wisdom as such

To not be attached to that or no duality to touch

This is what sees within as it wills me to make

And to open my inner eyes and always be awake

Dom*Colucci © 2024

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sadly no one knows the one that knows*


Sadly no one knows the one that knows*

Where did one go from the beginning that was shown?

Lost in the maze and fear of the unknown

A grip from the feeling of to be dependent upon

The mystery that was never solved as life goes on

Sad that the one believed that had a purpose in this place

Never knowing who was standing in their shoes in this space

The only purpose they had when they felt they were getting lost

Was the one returning back to origin never coming across

But before one leaves this reality that has been seen

One has to see true self in what this being really means

But for many people that past from many times

Many more will leave here and will never find

Dom*Colucci © 2021

Sunday, July 12, 2020

This time tomorrow*

This time tomorrow*

No one ever knows what is around the bend
Could it be a new beginning or the possibility of the end
Searching for answers in always to look
Making a straight line from a crook

Seeking in what is not there from the start
Breaking away from oneness and pulled apart
What does one do when they cannot find?
With this known it is not of their mind

Stumbling then through life knot knowing 
Choosing other things in where they are going
So they become blind filled with many sorrows
And still they are here this time tomorrow

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Engulfed in a darkened romance
Evening revelation in depths
A sliver of the moon escapes

Dom*Colucci © 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Relativity not reality that is always one*

Relativity not reality that is always one*

When we came here and also was taught
What was that in such we were here to be sought
Was it fame or to have a lifestyle in lavished life
Or to be always in a moaning in such strife

To the unawakened one only sees what is in the given
For this is not the way one is to be living
But a deeper sense that one who takes the path to be free
Is to dissolve what is not in looking for but directing back to see

In meditation the mind is to be of peace and calm
It should look like stillness without ripples on a pond
An epiphany has come to know of being one to say
Direction back at self is surely the middle way

To know that one who seeks outward is illusive indeed
It signifies want and a desperate part of need
But to those who become enlightened and know of this within
They will see their suffering diminish and knows of its end

This man starts to see his journey to begin to unfold
But his journey also ends and no story to be told
Hence then man who believes in a reality this will not let him be
To the awakened one it it is not a reality but relativity as then to be free

Dom*Colucci © 2019

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why does man suffer?~here it is*

Why does man suffer?~here it is*

~I have been doing some research with the laws of attraction and Source with the ten commandments~all of mankinds problems have seem to come from his dependency from other people~he/she was gifted with the living God within themselves and seem to take advantage of people and other resources that do not belong to him/herself while they have this living God within them~

~first at hand let us look at the commandments themselves~they all have a symmetry about them and when you look at the symmetry you see the Kabbalah within them which has the word Y-H-W-H~proving the living God is the word within man/woman~if you happen to see what is here then take another look at the Kundalini within as well with the 7 chakras which are all aligned centrally as this is where the living God appears~

~when tIme comes to call upon the living God to emerge this kundalini activates itself and reaches breaking through the chakras to the third eye or pineal gland~it is said when the two are married, both hemispheres of the brain logic and spiritual,  then the one will be revealed in which the one is the pineal gland in that case it is the intuition opening the truth which lies within man and all the obstacles will break away and ignorgance dissolves quickly like salt in water~hence one can say to the mountain move mountain and the mountain moves~case in point with Moses who had a kundalini in making the serpent stand up, moving the sea and receiving all the wisdom from God who communicated to him within his pineal gland~

~OK enough said about what I just did~let us look at the dependency part of mankind~he was gifted with his own Source that God has given him and yet he still suffers because he lives outside of himself with his ego in which he inherited when he was young through conditioning~he has never left where he always love living in pain and worry, misery and doubt~he only uses one side of his  brain which is logic as he will never move a mountain with that at all~which is his ego in judgment~discriminating all that is in his life with duality~by further seeing this we note that the first commandment states that there shall not be no other God before "me"~I emphasize on "me" because God is in all of us but to the one that sees this God then one does not follow or depend upon another for their resources to life in this reality that God made perfect for each one of us within ourselves~so now we have the 1st Commandment here~

~OK the next is the dependency part~we find that that is stealing~so in turn from this we are actually killing the God that lives within us as it is KARMIC and this is why we continuously come back in reincarnations because we have not seen the truth or true self or image of God that made us to see~we fail always in the death of humanity to continue in not learning the lesson we were suppose to learn from~so it is our very own Source that will fulfill the manna that the living God within us to be fed from with its wisdom to understand the knowledge to utilize from this wisdom~

~OK next in review is coveting which is envy~from this envy it is just like the sin from stealing as once again we see here that it is our very own Source we come home to and not let our eyes stray to another in wanton theft to do so~

~noting all this within the Tree of Life which is the first day of all things here always which the present never leaves from being this born again SOUL* both have merged into oneness from the Source~we note that from the first day this was all created that from the darkness which is wisdom that light was created and from this light all things were put together with relation to one another without being dual or separate~notice in what I just wrote that all KARMIC activity has stopped~so in the process of this light all atoms are being formed in pure "thought" in a reality not only one is touch but redo over and over again in enjoyment to seeing how sacred geometry works with such Kabbalah or Tree of Life~

~just observe how mankind behaves and he is seeking someone for his salvation either by force, prayer or any other such thing his belief gives him only to find out his satisfaction was never meant~why?~he has not sought the God within himself and continously suffers in his desired search~there is no such thing as search in an awakened being who already has his truth inside~it is like an old ZEN* riddle~as a man riding a horse in search of a horse~a true self will always magnetize the whole picture in its seeing when the frequency is crystal clear especially this goes without touch and his inner self will be intuitively activated always in that life that w as made for his Divine presence here with his/her own living God within for he has now threw the path away and is content like a lotus flower in a dark muddy pond where the lotus only sees true light and purity~which is always from the love of God within thyself~and one more thing~you have nevrer left where you stand anyways~your ego made you do that to seek someone you already are that did not need to*

Dom*Colucci © 2019